Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Tuesday Dec. 11, 2007

Blessings Everyone,

"You can "dance" with the illusions of time and space choosing your "steps" based upon things and events as they now are, or you can dance with your dreams, choosing your "steps" based upon things and events as they will be.

And I bet you can guess which steps will perpetuate today's illusions, and which ones will change everything..." (this is today's inspiration from Tut.com)

Wow!! It sure has been along time since I have posted here. My life is so full and journaling is my most favorite thing to do. Although I would be more motivated to journal here is I knew someone was at least reading and inspired here.

I can tell you that my last few months I have lived "dancing" with life as if every moment I am responsible to discover and receive the joy and gifts in that moment. I "dance" with the intention, attitude and energy that EVERYTHING is brand new each and every moment of life. Life has become an abundant mystery of surprises of breath pulsing emblazoned light into each moment.

My husband fell and broke his hip (while we were in extreme delight chasing each other around our kitchen center island). It was a non-displaced fracture so it had to heal without surgery or a cast. He could not use his leg for six weeks. He is now in physical therapy to bring the use of his leg back to normal and beyond!! Although seeing him in so much pain and discomfort has been excruciating for me, this is an extrememly precious time in our lives. We have found fun,joy ,laughter and deep connection in this journey together. People have even come up to us and said "I am humbled in your (Rick and me) presence. I am learning in even deeper ways that what I dance with today creates my life tomorrow.

Then we decided to move from our two story condo into a single family, one floor home. The search began and I learned a lot about myself in that journey. On Jan. 5th we are moving into the exact home we asked for with even a little more than we asked. Yes, Spirit is so amazing in this dance of life.

I ask myself almost every day "What is truly life? Who am I really?" The ongoing answers to these questions give me direction for each day. I invite you to ask yourself these questions as you prepare for CHristmas and regroup for the New Year.


Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Choosing conscious evolution

Blessings everyone,

James Martin says in "The Meaning of the 21st Century"

"This change from nature-based evolution to human-based evolution is, by far, the largest change to occur since the first single-cell life appeared…. When it first happens on a planet, it is probably dangerous. The creatures that take evolution into their own hands have no experience in the game…. Now that we are in charge of evolution, we need to learn the rules. Nature’s evolution experiments, constantly trying new things. We humans are a new type of experiment -- a young species, still adolescent and playing with fire. Unlike migrating swallows or foraging ants, we are not biologically programmed to know what to do. Instead we are an experiment in free choice. This gives us enormous potential. We will spur evolution of the technology and management capability to exercise that free choice on the grandest scale."

Actually it should say the change from nature-based evolution to human-nature partnering based conscious evolution in the first quote sentence above. This change is phenomenal. When I take in that this is the largest change to occur since the first single-cell life appeared it changes my whole perception-depth understanding of how important it is for me to actually "be" the conscious change in how I live.

Studying the Mayan calendar code puts even more meaning and importance into this change. We are in the fifth day of the Mayan calendar where we get the gift to move into the next cycle which will sometime around Oct. 2011. This amazing gifts and maybe gifts to come will give us what we need to survive marvelously into the next cycle. So everyone, it is important and mandatory to our survival to live the life of conscious co-creation between nature and humans from a higher dimension than the third dimension.

I also got a brand new understanding of perfection this week. I always thought if something was perfect it meant it couldn't get any better and I had to live with it whether I liked it or not. So when people put me into the belief that everything is perfect exactly the way it is, I thought that meant I/he/she/it had to stay that way and NOT to change it. Now I realize that literally everything is perfect. So I just pick the perfect I choose to live with or in. That also means there is no judgment, blaming, criticism, rejection. YOu just leave one perfect for another of your choice. This kind of choosing puts you into another dimension and the results are even different than choosing from the third dimension which would be choosing from judgment, blaming, victimization etc. It is a huge freedom for me. It also brings me much more fun and joy filled results.

Spirit, Florida, my friend and I along with a huge composite of attendance co-created the most amazing movement into the embrace of ascension. I got asked by Spirit this morning to use the key I received as a gift last week in meditation. So I just followed instructions and "the key" opened up all the Florida keys to release their encodements for the ascension into the waters to be activated all over the world and bring the planet into the embrace of the "emblazonment of light".

I live an amazing life and this week laid itself in such fun, joy, empowerment, love and abundance I am more amazed and awed. Then I found out that today is also Amma's birthday (Amma and Bhagavan are the co-creators of the Oneness movement). She dedicated the day to a special energetic blessing of light for the planet. So she and I (and all involved)were working together.


Tuesday, August 07, 2007

back in Florida

Blessings everyone,

My trip to CT was very eventful. A huge amount of clearing, connection with my family, receiving my home with open arms, playing with my grandchildren and some shocking surprises. I took my grandson to see the movie Transformers thinking I wasn't going to like it. Surprise! I really loved it.

I really enjoyed Harry Potter with my womanfriend I do all the meditations for the planet with. She also did a clearing for my daughter which I was a part of. So much clearing I was physically not feeling well for about four days. But my granddaughter is evidencing being clear of life threatening allergies. During part of the process I was asking her if she was a munchkin and she said "NO" shaking her head. I ask her is she was a Katie (which is her name) and she shook her head while saying "No" again. I asked her if she was an angel and she looked up at me with brilliant blue eyes and said "YESSS" with a voluminous smile. I guess she knows who she is:)

I made a collage of what I want for my life from a poster of the Kamadon Temple Melchizedek level Three that I teach. I thought it would take me a week to do a post on creating my life until I found the poster on top of all my arts stuff in my office closet. When I saw the poster I was thrilled to recognize it as my choice for my life. It only took me an hour to make the collage. The Kamadon Temple is the etheric ascension temple for humanity. It has 33 levels and each of those has 33 levels and this goes on into infinity. It is surrounded by water and dolphins. So now my life is being created from this amazing temple of love and ascension.

Now I am so extremely happy to be back in Florida. I love it here with my husband. My life is lots of fun. I am making amazing new friends that are great fun. I met this wonderful artist at a mango festival. We bought one of her flamingo pictures and when we picked it up we connected so powerfully that she invited me to speak at her women's spirituality group. I will be speaking on the marriage of ego and essence and using meditation to raise the planetary vibrations.

Ever since I stepped off the plane back here in Florida my health has been improving again. Life for me here is gentler, freer, more fun, lighter and blissful. Rick and I are re-creating our relationship in the energy of fun. When we got back to the house beautiful flowers greeted me with flowing energies of hugs and kisses and celebration from him. They are still brilliantly beautiful.

Today Ahlam and I celebrated her birthday on the phone and she called me into activating on a more focused intention a special Florida Key. In the past few weeks we activated all of the Florida Keys for the ascension process and today got direction from Spirit to activate Islamorada "purple Island" specifically for the clearing of all the homes on the planet - clearing for safety and things in the night that hide and circumstances, people and things that shit on our homes in the dark and then slink off into the night hiding. Islamorada is the Florida ascension key for home bliss, safety, freedom, love and a clean slate physically, spiritually and mentally.

I am always available for speaking, coaching, teleclasses, soul songs, facilitating Melchizedek Method, guiding Gateway coarses, and meditations personal and for the planet. 305-230-6338. energecstasy@snet.net

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Happy 4th Independence Day

Blessings everyone,

It is always so wonderful for me to celebrate our Independence Day!!! I love reminding myself of how blessed we are here in the USA. I know we aren't perfect, but I also know I love being an American and what we have co-created here. I love focusing on our freedoms. I love celebrating us and our country. Noticing what we love and would like to continue to experience is a very powerful way of continuing to create just that. Most everyone has seen the movie "The Secret" by now and understands how incredibly important it is to focus on what we love and choose to have in our lives. Feeling it, like I do on the 4th, and being grateful for having it (whether you already have it or not)is another key. 4th of July gives me all those steps in real life with lots of other people connected to the same vibrations.

Tuesday and Wednesday this week we were without electricity. When the temperatures are in the high 90's that is torture without air conditioning, no cooking, refrigerator and freezer thawing out. I learned a lot about appreciating electricity and appreciating the ingenuity and creativity of doing without and yet being with at the same time. Being with the ability to survice with grace during a crisis. I now have learned not to keep alot in our freezer, how to open the garage door without the automatic door opener, how to cook with charcoal grill, have different types of phones and go to Ruby Tuesday's because they will give you free salad bar when they have no electricity:). Here in hurricane country where we have huge, powerful thunderstorms every afternoon, these things are extremely important. Now we have our own tool kit, flash lights, charcoal grill w/charcoal, cell phone and landline phone, and gratitude and appreciation for myself and others as we live through life on a different level than the usual day to day.

The being with I am talking about in the above paragraph is being with the Divine and center of myself in the NOW. Everything is available in the NOW moment, nothing is missing. I even got into the thoughts that the Divine is really the electricity we have figured out how to use to serve ourselves. How can I access this electricity just by asking? Maybe there is a way to use electricity if I can access the truth of being connected completely to the ONE! I would never have had those thoughts and practiced allowing myself the concept and the beliefs. I am another step closer to living life from the wild side - my essence self :)

Our 4th was a fabulous celebration with about 3,000 people here at our sports stadium. The live band on stage was wonderful and so much fun! We all sat in the stadium seats and watched the best fireworks I have ever seen with live singing on the loud speakers from the stadium. It was awesome!! Earlier in the day there was rides and games, food from local restaurants, booths of arts and businesses and tourism in the area and the energy of wonderful people all around. I am so grateful for the experience and the joy inside.


Monday, June 11, 2007

Florida Adventures

Blessings everyone,

I am now living in beautiful sunny Florida. What an amazing experience so far. Rick picked me up at the airport Sat. June 2 and we had an exciting reunion together. We are both so happy to be together. The last month has been quite an adventure. First no job, then two jobs to pick from - we picked Florida. Then Rick left to drive down to Florida while I stayed in CT and got everything ready for our home to be empty for quite awhile. I proceeded to Pennsylvania for a fabulous family reunion, spent a lot of time visiting my Dad in his alzheimer's home and enjoying the rest of my family for a week. I was living in the lap of luxury in my brother's brand new 5000 sq. ft. home overlooking a beautiful valley. Miraculous breakthrough's happening all week with my family:)

Rick picked out a beautiful condo on a lake here in Homestead. We even have a resident alligator in our lake which is our back yard. I love it here so far. We have a large beautiful pool too. WE spent this weekend exploring Key Largo. Went on a fabulous glass bottom boat trip. Our guide said it was the best trip he had ever been on. We saw dolpins, sea turtles, barracuda, tarpon, lobsters, sharks, large numbers of reef fish of all colors and shapes, and many kinds of corals.

I am here blessing, honoring, appreciating and calling forth the true glory of Florida to raise vibrations into an ascension level. Florida is a huge energy vortex that is important to our planet's ascension process. It seems to have forgotten its importance, magnificence and the truth of its very essence. I am honored to be here connecting in with her space of Oneness.

I got a little down this morning as my husband went back to work and I"m here knowing no one and not connected to any spirit like minded people here. I'm choosing to get connected with clients down here and continue my business in some amazing ways. Choosing to vibrate at the frequencies needed to attract miraculous, magnificent, inspiring clients and situations which pay immensely with gratitude.

Anyone looking for a spiritual life coach or Qigong healing with a Goddess who is walking her talk? Call me I"m waiting for you:)585-563-2245.


Wednesday, May 16, 2007

A new adventure has begun

Blessings everyone,

Well, today Rick leaves for Florida and I am here in CT for 10 more days. Our new adventure has begun!. I am choosing to take the high road and engage with Spirit to co-create with Rick a magical, fun, abundant life.

I began the day in a sad, remote place inside but moved into the magic while meditating with Rick before he left. We had such a fun time in meditation and got such beautiful connection with co-creating our journey. I found my connection with Spirit again and the resonant field of love. I also found this writing from Mike Dooley that lifted me into the magic kingdom.

"When it comes to living the life of one's dreams, there are those who think they must go it alone; that they must be the early bird, know all the right people, and succeed by the sweat of their brow - and they carry the weight of the world on their shoulders.
Then there are those who have read all the books, done all the workshops, and concluded that it's simply a matter of surrendering to a loving, conspiring Universe so that their life might be transformed by its magic - and they silently wonder why it hasn't.
The truth is, neither are we alone, nor is knowing about the Universe and its magic enough to manifest change. The first conclusion is as self-sabotaging as it is sad, and the second is a bit like knowing exactly where the secret treasure is buried, yet never bothering to dig for it.
Instead, the trick lies in knowing the difference between what one can, should and must do, versus what one can, should and must delegate to an all wise and capable Universe. Our part is the easy part.
We need only provide the spark to light the Universe's fire; to hoist up our sails so that they can be filled with its magical winds. Yet without offering these token efforts, without assisting in these modest ways, not only do we contradict our wish to live as fully as possible, but we slide ever further away from an infinite grace that tirelessly strives to sweep us off our feet, surround us with friends, and create the life we most want.
Leveraging the Universe and Engaging the Magic is about using the gifts of thought, word and deed to harness this grace. It's about doing the least to get the most. Learning what “the truth” is, and then living it, so that the kingdom, the power, and the glory can be revealed before your very eyes, as you discover your holy place in creation - as a creator, yourself.
Slayer of dragons, matador of time and space, rightful heir to heaven on earth, it’s time to be living the life of your dreams."

I am living presence of the kingdom, the power, and the glory on this holy earth. I am the slayer of dragons, matador of time and space, rightful heir to heaven on earth and I choose to live my dreams and beyond. Join me!!!

The journey is ours,

Saturday, May 12, 2007


Blessings Everyone,

Rick and I are on the move! He leaves for Florida on May 16th. HE got another consulting job at a nuclear power plant in Florida. I'll be meeting him on June 2nd. In between I'll be visiting my father and family in Pennsylvania. What to do with the cat and the dog and our home here in CT. So much changing and movement that I am surrendering and surfing my way through in gratitude for Spirit loving me so much.

Let's do some spiritual alchemy together today and support our bodymindspirits in all this transition and chaos energy. Take some deep breaths and let yourself relax and release. Breathe in the richness and nurturing of the earth and the unconditional love of Source. Release tension, stress and stories - relax, relax, relax. Now imagine yourself lying on a table of gold and the corners are receiving small electrical charges and energizing the table with spurts of electricity that are gently running through your body. Lay there in this energizing current for as long as you wish. Here you change all things into gold - golden opportunities, golden relationships, golden abundance, golden health, golden wealth, golden life, golden thoughts and more. Be aware of the feelings and movement in your body. Allow yourself to be expanded and nurtured on levels you never knew were possible. You are turning all of life's garbage into gold. Become golden!! Treasure yourself deeply!!

Come back slowly and gently when you are ready.


Saturday, May 05, 2007

God's pleasure

Blessings everyone,

An abundance of gratitude is flowing for this amazing spring day of beauty and peacefulness. I am also grateful for Rick's new job in Florida that is even better financially than his last consulting job. I am looking at the manifesting of dreams that are happening these last few days. I realize that consciousness is necessary to give myself the gift of gratitude and allow the evidences to reveal themselves to me. Looking for the evidences is showing me that some things I would have missed or misinterpreted become obvious when I am consciously, without expectations, looking at what shows up in my life.

Today I relistened to Michael Beckwith's sermon, "Your law, Your Life". It keeps me in the energy of abundance and limitlessness. I hear things like God's pleasure is to give all to infinity. God/Universe gives infinite, inexhaustible good and beauty. All I do is let it happen NOW with ease and grace. Let go of the struggle and let it happen. I also hear once you feel the presence and entrain the Presence of the Divine vibrationally the law of attraction automatically works. These words and the vibrations connected to them keep me entrained and mind expanded to abundance and love. What keeps you entrained to your desires vibrationally?

Rick begins his new job in Florida about the 21st. I will be going down later after my neices' graduation party. When we first heard about this job we turned it down out of fear of the area being hurricane alley and crime infested. Spirit showed me a whole new perspective and that this is part of my mission on the planet to transform and bring up the higher vibrations of places, people and the planet. Florida is now being prepped to raise its vibrations and all the earth, ground, plants, rocks, trees, animals, air, water, fire, humans in vibrational cync with heaven, and spirit entities that choose love, peace, joy and abundance are in total support of us down there. Wow!! What an adventure of riding the zuvuya!!

I have also learned a lot about my husband of 42 yrs. by being an observer from the perspective of Spirit during this process. He is amazing! Somehow the way he operates has eluded me all these years until I sat back and watched with Spirit eyes this week.:)

Have a supercalifragilisticexpialidocious day,

Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Blessings everyone,

I was just listening again to Michael Beckwith's sermon "Your law, Your Life". My mind went to the infinity of God over and over again. What does that mean to the way I live my life and the concepts I have about lack? The immediate realizations I know are a challenge to me especially now that Rick is looking for a new job. I am challenged to stay open to the fact that God is infinite and our money flow is from God, not a job.

Something else comes up for me around limitlessness of God. We talk about living on the planet in a resourceful way. I feel drawn to a larger picture of resourceful rather than living within the limits of what seems to be available and sharing. The question arises for me if we live that way are we really allowing God to be limitless? Maybe things are limited, but God is not.

I am reminded of how the cingular microorganisms did not have the consciousness to know to control their population because their food was running out on the planet and they would all die. They had not conceptual thought of the fear of limited food. What actually happened was miraculous unions and new creations such as photosynthesis to create oxygen (which at this point cingular cells were poisoned by oxygen). Also the cingular cells united into multicellular organisms out of which eventually humans were created.

Every turning point of chaos and crisis and perceived limitation created new completely unknown revelations, creations and tools. We are at a point right now on our planet of consciously facing perceived limitations and chaos. Should we focus on how to deal with limitations or look at creating something new that in our perception now is limitless? Do we create communities that are self sustaining from the fear and perception of lack or from the vision of limitlessness? For example, using cars and operating them from gas that is a limited supply is a challenge for us now. Do we learn to use fuel that is limitless which does exist on the planet? Do we also look to finding limitless fuel supplies we may not know are possible to use yet? Do we play with that we are the creators and somehow learn also to make the oil supply limitless like the lamps the virgins burned in the Bible? What else does the perception and relationship we have as limitless Gods and Goddesses call us to here?

Feeling us all have a limitless day of love, abundance, joy and fun.


Friday, April 20, 2007

The PLanet transforming

Blessings everyone,

I thought I'd create two blogs today. I feel good having time to be in my work again :)

We are in the time on our planet when we are consciously cultivating our own evolution.

This period of rapid shift in western society marks the beginning of the arising of what we might call metaphorically "imaginal cells" of the emerging "societal butterfly." Imaginal cells are what appear when the process of metamorphosis from caterpillar to butterfly occurs. As the body of the caterpillar begins to "break down," the "image" and structure of the newly emerging butterfly begins to form as imaginal "discs." At first the immune system of the caterpillar attacks these new discs as if they are foreign, but eventually the replication of these discs increases until the immune system breaks down and the new imaginal cells emerge and form themselves into a new pattern—the butterfly. This is a useful analogy for what is occurring in society as the old structures break down and the new patterns begin to emerge. But the new pattern is not yet fully formed and there are as yet no "new wineskins for the new wine."

I am continually amazed at the creative and expansive thinking on the planet when we connect with conscious evolutionaries, visionaries, quantum physicists and cosmogenesists. The above quote is from the Gateway handbook under the section exploring "the Living Universe". Isn't it amazing and mind expanding to "see" our planet in such a state of metamorphosis? Let's choose together from the resonant field to co-create the "new wineskins for the new wine we are becoming."


Playing with Chaos

Blessings everyone,

I am so grateful for how I am moving through all of this chaos around Rick's terminated consulting contract. Wednesday we drove to Rochester and moved all of our stuff from his apartment and brought it back here to our home in CT on Thursday. We unloaded it all and jumped into the hot tub and vegged out watching TV for a short while. Today we, along with the help of two of our grandchildren and our daughter, filled the truck full of branches and twigs from the storm, put the apartment stuff in our attic or somewhere in our house and cleared our deck of clutter and junk. Tomorrow we get our house appraised by the bank for a new mortgage.

All of this done with a sore body, but in ease, grace, fun and love. I am so grateful to Spirit, myself, my husband and our family. My heart and arms are open to the Universe to pour it's blessings, gifts and abundance into my life. Life is rich and full.

I hold us in the resonant field of Gateway calling in all the energies of abundance and creativity. While we are embraced in the arms of love we send out the attraction vibrations for the perfect job for Rick and also for me. We entrain with those who have the perfect jobs in their lives that bring in so much connection with spirit and family, joy, fun and extreme abundance. We are grateful to be experiencing these new jobs right now. What fun and huge gratitude and appreciation to Spirit, ourselves and the resonant field.


Thursday, April 12, 2007

money and sacrifice

Blessings everyone,

Feeling us all dancing in joy and gratitude with our beloved Source and Essence selves today and every moment. In this space I invite you to experience the infinity and generosity aspect of the amazing Divine Matrix/Source we are.

I discovered this week that I have an old pattern of needing to sacrifice in order to gain anything, including money. So when my husband's contract was terminated I immediately went into sacrifice mode. I have to give up everything until we figure out how to bring in lots of money again. During my coaching session I realized that pattern was telling the Universe I don't want any more money and was calling in lack.

I went inside. I chose to believe that the Universe is in ecstasy when I can receive and receive and receive without the Universe taking anything in return, especially not sacrifice. Amazing things began to happen. I saw huge, thick, metal doors begin to open wide for receiving. I felt the opening begin to realign my energies and beliefs and patterns. I moved into deep, powerful, graced joy and gratitude flowing through my being like rivers of energy expanding me beyond all my limits. Tears were also flowing in this river of delite. I knew my real being and that is why the Universe invites us into joy and gratitude for everything in our life. The joy and gratitude bring us into the connection with who we truly are - Divine Ecstasy!

In the evening when I meditated again I found Divine Ecstasy and my Essence dancing in pure freedom, glee, love, joy, gratitude. Divine Ecstasy is in bliss when we receive and know that we need give nothing in return, just receive. It is Source's pure pleasure to give and give and give without asking anything in return. When we enter the space of joy and gratitude from the receiving of such amazing love the dance of Divine Ecstasy is experienced by us also. Imagine yourself dancing in the Oneness in Divine Ecstasy together. It was beyond the beyond of bliss and energy and movement. Try it, you'll probably love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So I am not living in the space of lack but in the space of the truth of Divine abundance and the Universe giving, giving, giving while I receive, receive, receive and dance in the joy and gratitude of it all. I don't understand how this will work, but I am loving it so far.

In joy and gratitude,

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Redoing the past

Blessings everyone,

I am just emerging out of my shock, out of a black hole that swallowed me this week in my husband's consulting contract being canceled. I am emerging into the space of being the universe in person. I am learning how to make this alive in my daily living - I am the universe in person. How do I bring that into my world to support me in this transition with magnificence and power?

Well, these are some of the things we know about the universe.

A Unified Field
Continuously Regenerated
Free at the Foundation
Self-creating, Self-Organizing, and Self-Transcending
The Unfolding of an Implicate Order

The universe is a unified field and that means to me that I am connected to everyone and everything and living and moving in the heart of God. I am not alone and everything is supporting me and available to me.

The Universe is continuously in every moment regenerating itself. So I am regenerating myself in every moment. When I remain conscious, I can make choices to regenerate on purpose, not by default. I can also go back and change my past and make it my present exactly the way I want it. So I am going back and telling a new story about Rick being without a consulting job and in the process of finding a new one. The last time this happened it took a whole year and we got very deep in debt. Now I am recreating that and seeing it as the happiest, freeing time full of fun and a great adventure. I see that we became able to bring all the money we needed and more from deep within ourselves and didn't need to depend on jobs from others. I see my business providing huge amounts of money with ease and effortlessness and little input from me. I see and feel the joy of this amazing journey and all the miracles that the Universe has going on in every moment as my moment by moment life. WoW!!! This is my recreation and how will that change my experience this time? I can't wait to see.

The Universe is free at its foundation. So how can I allow myself to be present to being free at my foundation? I am not in prison except in my illusions of who I am. I am letting my bodymindspirit feel the vibrations of those words - I am free at my foundation. I am jumping off into health, relationship, life from this foundation. Where will my jump take me from a free foundation?

I will share more tomorrow on Easter Sunday.

I invite you all to meditate with this perception yourself that you are the universe in person.

Once your mind is quiet, say to yourself "The universe is (place here one of the essential ideas) and I am the universe in person."

Example: "The universe is a unified field and I am the universe in person."

Use this as a mantra, repeating it several times, feeling the words come alive in you and then relax back into your quiet mind.

Happy meditating,

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Adventure Questing

Blessings everyone,

Well, my husband unexpectedly got his consulting contract terminated and is now jobless. Totally unexpected and yet not unexpected. We have been meditating for him to get a job closer to home and that we intended to have this job BEFORE he left his present job. So now we are on a new adventure quest to co-create the next step in our job journey. I know that Spirit is afoot with magic and I can't wait to see what will show up. We have one job that would be absolutely perfect that Rick has applied for and we are waiting to hear from the company. My poor me and fear person are being held in a loving, caring place of safety as they run their feelings. I am choosing love, prosperity, joy, abundance flowing, fun, trust and putting my essence self in charge. Thus, we are on an adventure quest.

I am also challenged in one of my relationships with a dear friend this week. So I am on an adventure quest in the relationship arena also. What can I co-create within the parameters of love, joy, ease, grace, fun, honor and lightness?

Meet you on the new earth,

Wednesday, March 28, 2007


Blessings everyone,

Lately I am really getting more deeply than ever how mirroring works in relationships - also in our lives through the circumstances showing up in our lives. My husband came up with something recently that really threw me as to how it could be mirror for me. I didn't realize at the time how important it was to discover the part of me he was mirroring. In discovering my part that he was mirroring I was able to get to heal and release an aspect of my inner child that had been separated and alone all these years. It totally and immediately enriched our relationship at the same time in incredible ways. It turned my blaming Rick into extreme appreciation for his courage to be my mirror and to receive rivers of love from him that I did not realize I was blocking. I invite you all to really look into the mirrors that people and circumstances are for you in your life.

ON the positive side of mirroring, when you admire someone they are mirroring aspects of yourself that you would like to be and don't realize you already are. So you have not incorporated those parts into yourself either. Either way mirroring if full of gifts and miracles.


I also invite you to go to www.agapealive.com and click on the free gift box and listen to Rev. Michael Beckwith's free sermon. It is magnificent!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Where is the joy?

Hi, everyone,

I am challenged deeply these days with issues of sexuality in my marriage. It has brought me to question on occasion, "Where is the joy?" This morning I got an email that I want to share with you that has an answer I am familiar with and a powerful story to evidence its truth.

Author Unknown

A young man was getting ready to graduate from college. For
many months he had admired a beautiful sports car in a
dealer's showroom, and knowing his father could well afford
it, he told him that was all he wanted.

As Graduation Day approached, the young man awaited signs
that his father had purchased the car. Finally, on the
morning of his graduation, his father called him into his
private study. His father told him how proud he was to have
such a fine son, and told him how much he loved him. He
handed his son a beautiful wrapped gift box. Curious, but
somewhat disappointed, the young man opened the box and
found a lovely, leather-bound Bible, with the young man's
name embossed in gold. Angrily, he raised his voice to
his father and said, "With all your money you give me
a Bible?" He then stormed out of the house, leaving the

Many years passed and the young man was very successful
in business. He had a beautiful home and a wonderful family,
but realizing his father was very old, he thought perhaps
he should go to see him. He had not seen him since that
graduation day. Before he could make the arrangements, he
received a telegram telling him his father had passed away,
and willed all of his possessions to his son. He needed to
come home immediately and take care of things.

When he arrived at his father's house, sudden sadness and
regret filled his heart. He began to search through his
father's important papers and saw the still new Bible, just
as he had left it years ago. With tears, he opened the
Bible and began to turn the pages. As he was reading, a car
key dropped from the back of the Bible. It had a tag with
the dealer's name, the same dealer who had the sports car
he had desired. On the tag was the date of his graduation,
and the words....."PAID IN FULL".

How many times do we miss blessings because they are not
packaged as we expected?


Today, your life can start to become truly

Another answer to "Where is the joy?" that I received this week is the joy is in the surrender to the journey in the fire of the Divine Beloved. I have to surrender the control that makes me feel safe. Allow myself to be engulfed in the flames of the Divine Beloved's embrace. The Beloved's embrace is an inferno of passion that gifts us beyond our wildest dreams. I invite you all to join me there.


Thursday, March 01, 2007

The Secret is God

Blessings everyone,

"The Secret" is God! We need to refigure who/what is God. I am the physical presence of God on the planet. You are the physical presence of God on the planet. The planet is the physical presence of God. There is nothing or no one who is separate from God. We live in God, God is us, We breathe God, We eat God, We clothe with God. We experience and participate in God's creations that are all already created. Our thoughts, emotions and ideas are what we use to participate in what already is here which is everything. I invite us all to become more conscious of being God in action experiencing what we are thinking and feeling and acting. "The Secret" is God. We are God in action and participation within us and through us.

Yesterday I had an amazing couple of meditations. First I experienced being the Divine Matrix that is an all enbracing flow, the web of energy consciousness of God that we all are a wrinkle in. I'm standing in this matrix with all that is flowing through me and my body is picking and choosing what I am receiving from the Matrix by the emotion receptors on the cells in my body. I can pick up any and all thoughts of God, any emotions, any ideas, anything in this Matrix through the language of my emotions attached to my cell receptors. I know I keep the same thoughts, beliefs, emotions over and over in this small part of the brain I use because my receptors are programmed to pick up the same things. OPening up and allowing myself to know I am God and I am the flow and all that is gives me an infinite field to move in. Fear keeps me small and separate from all that is.

The next meditation I had was meditating with Barbara Marx Hubbard's synergy circle for moving in the outward world. I picked the section on environment and infrastructure to meditate with. As I investigated what was falling apart I saw my whole internal infrastructure is falling apart in all areas of my being. Then I saw that outwardly in the environment all aspects of life and the planet are falling apart, all infrastructures of our societies too. I stood in that falling apart and channeled used one of my gifts. I channeled the energies and knowings of all my being, held them in non-judgmental space to realign in a new union and let them move to bring me a brand new energy. Then Spirit asked me to move into the very center of the synergy circle with others who have the same gift, with spirit beings that are supporting our highest creations of love and peace and joy. All of us were inside of earth and earth was our container and partner in the process. We channeled all the cultures, knowledge, secrets, relationships, from past, present and future, collected them non-judgmentally in the container of earth and let them reconfigure into new unions and sent the energy out to the whole circle. Wow! What fun and what power. We are the ones we have been waiting for. It is time to "be" who you are. Join those on the planet who are doing just that for support and allow your God giftedness to be used.

Have a great day!
IN great warmth and flow,

Monday, February 26, 2007

fertilization complete

Blessings everyone,

Wow!! I am feeling MUch better today. My flu days are on the way out and the experience I have used them for is awesome. I have really fertilized my seeds of embracing the parts of myself that sabotage my dreams and choices. These seeds are blossoming into whole new dimensions of loving myself and accessing the eternal flow of love, joy and wholeness that we are immersed in and literally exist as.

Today when I did my qigong I was in that flow of consciousness that is pure, loving, powerful, joy filled and amazing. I never really have to use my own human energy disconnected from this flow again. I know how this new depth of connection feels now and I choose to stay in that space. I assign my inner team to keeping me there even when I fall asleep a million times a day.

I even discovered the place on my computer that I have been storing wonderful things that I haven't been able to find. I just fell into the space by accident(no accidents though are there). I was so excited. I even had some joy meditations that I created for burning a CD that were there. I listened to one last night and realized that I hadn't felt that joy filled in awhile. What sweetness in our joy spot. What a great re-membering that I am JOY. YOu are JOY! We are all magnificent beyond our wildest dreams. Joy is the space to create from because it creates more joy in our lives.

What a journey getting ready for this "Couples Sparklings Day". It certainly is true that the person who teaches learns more than those who are the students.

Rick and I talked about the ways we disconnect and connect with each other tonight. Very interesting. It made me realize that for 39 years of bringing up children we connected a great deal through the bringing up of children. Now we are lolling around in a space of disconnection a lot of times with seemingly nothing to connect with. We are recreating what it means to us as a couple to be connected and I love it when we connect. The connection seems much deeper than ever. One of our new deeper connections is in our meditation times together. When I realize the disconnected times I really have to check in and see if I am connected to myself. When I get reconnected with myself and share what is up for me with Rick we get reconnected also. Relationships sure are the Temple of Conscious Evolution and Enlightenment these days.

Sleep in beauty and love tonight.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Blessings for all

Hi, everyone,

Sending you lots of blessings today. One of those is this wonderful new movie on its way into our lives - Time of the Sixth Sun. You can check it out at www.timeofthesixthsun.com. Promises to be a wonderful experience for all of us walking the path of consciousness and peace on this planet. Its full of interviews with visionaries galore.

Today in my meditation time I got the idea to love the parts of myself that keep me in a small place in life and with little power by sitting with their feelings from my essence self. Acknowledging the feelings and choosing for the power of their energy to become the fertilizer for the seeds of what my essence self truly chooses to create. This puts EVERY part of me into the energy of creation from its highest power because of gratitude and love and acknowledgment of its true essence. Garbage becomes fertilizer and we choose the seeds of what we want to create. This also integrates all our parts into wholeness.

Here is an excerpt from "The Mayan Oracle" for all of us

"I am Kan (a Divine aspect from the Mayan tradition), the Bodhi-mandala, creative seed, possibility erupting; temple-lit realm of the shimmmering, golden vitality of life quickening seed into responsive surrender, gestating form. Oh, fertil soul thou art! The cosmic seed takes root in thee. To follow thy joy will set it free!

Remember you are the seed that quickens itself to wakefulness taking root. Reach. Nurture. In simple receptiveness, be present with your dream. Offer clear intent, receive the golden wisdom of the sun and fertile Earth in nourishment, that you may bring the glowing, vital force into visible form!

I am Kan. I watch eagerly for the hardy shoots to emerge from the seeds you have planted. I attend them faithfully, for your dreams , visions, heart's desires are the seeded pattern that glitters on the fabric of creation, giving it joyful form and radiant luster. Your self-germinating seeds hold the potential of the greatest magic: the recognition and loving embrace of your Godseed Self. The divine impulse within you calls you forth. The creator is born in the creation.

Remember that all seeds are self-germinated and that the realization of any dream starts with a simple thought. Don't get lost in the entire process of manifestation; just begin by seeding your heart's desire. Feel the possibility of your dream seed emerging. Your life is the receptive soil. Plant a seed in that fertile field. Begin. The result will naturally blossom in the light of your willingness to start.

All seeds hold the holographic power of their own completion. Kan represents the power that directs the vital processes of an organism toward wholeness. Continue on the journey of manifestation by following your deepest feelings and dreams.
-The Mayan Oracle" by Ariel spilsbury and Michael Bryner-

Watching "The Secret" with my husband was such fun tonight. It put the icing on the cake of my meditation with more positive energies and feelings flowing. I choose life beyond my wildest imagination. Rick and I are really moving in the process to be the "Couple Sparklings Day" we are presenting. We are feeling and experiencing the day full of wonderful, amazing couples and we are all full of fun, joy, expansion, miracles and abundance. WE are the ones we have been waiting for.

Blessings for all,

Friday, February 23, 2007

Musings with the flu

Blessings everyone,

Well I guess I have succumbed to the flu. So I have an appointment with the acupuncturist this afternoon. I'm taking lots of "stuff" and just hanging out. I'm intending my body release its toxins quickly and choosing the totally whole essence part of me to step in here.

Yesterday I got visited by "small me" presenting me with the deities of self sabotage, ego mania and negative vision in all areas of my life. Wow! Was I looking down on myself. I felt like laying down and letting them roll over me which is pretty much what I did. Maybe the flu is the result of the roll over and the toxins pouring out. :) I am sitting with my dieties and loving them and healing the rift between ego and essence. My support team reminded me to keep my eyes on the journey, not on the results. How am I feeling on my journey? How are my deities serving my journey? What is good about all of this encounter?

ONe of things that is good is that I now see more about how I am leeking my energy. I am calling back my energy from all the patterns and stories these deities trick me with to keep me small. I know I am the Divine Presence on the planet and I bless them into their divinity.


Tuesday, February 20, 2007

More winter blessings

Hi, everyone,

I can't believe that I haven't been blogging in days again. My life is running so fast even when I am meditating:) I am up in Rochester, NY with my husband, Rick, for the week. Lots of snow up here. As we were driving here it was snowing almost all the way. I decided to experience the snow as multitudes of blessings blowing and falling into my life as the car speeded into it. It kept me from getting scared and I opened for hours of receiving blessings upon blessings. I received blessings of love, blessings of gobs of money, blessings of joy, blessings of safety, blessings of relationship with Rick, blessings of new thoughts, blessings, blessings and more blessings. I am sending overflow blessings to all of you - winter blessings in abundance - soon to be spring blessings. :)

Last week I had a great experience of a new short form of acupuncture in a healing arts class I attended. Very interesting! You get the same five acupuncture points in each of your ears and then lay or sit and meditate for 45 min. The treatment is very powerful and is used with addictions very successfully. It is now being expanded into all arenas of treatments. I"m thinking of getting certified and using it with my clients.

Got to watch my new DVD on Mayan Calendar Codes System last week also. WOW! If you ever feel so inspired you can check it out online. The Mayan Calendar is way more than anything we could ever imagine as a calendar in our culture. It is very rich and full with information, energy and insights into where we are and where we are going. I will be spending more time with it while I am here in Rochester.

Seeing and feeling you all receiving your winter blessings with big smiles on your faces and joy in your hearts.


Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day

Blessings everyone,

Make every day a Valentine's Day! Don't stop with today. Imagine how amazing our lives would be if we continued to honor and love each other in special ways every day. We could have such exciting, warm, fun, surprising lives. This year besides the tibetan bell blessing, I gave Rick the CD program radical self acceptance. What a gift of loving yourself to package up for Valentine's. I get to use it also :)

Today I was reading a book on healing individuals, families and nations that is VERY interesting. It is majorly founded on the principle that Soul incorporates everything and allow nothing to be depressed or lost. We may be able to fool ourselves into thinking we hid something or someone or got rid of it or them but that never happens. The something or someone shows up in another person within the family, group, nation, etc. This all happens on an unconscious level whenever the "Orders of Love" are crossed or violated. "The Order of LOve" describe a natural pattern that there is a distinct order stating who belongs and who does not belong, not only in a family system, but also in larger groups such as nations.

For example, siblings are all aware of each other in a family whether or not they all are born. If there is a miscarriage or abortion the unborn child is still a member of the family. The surviving children often feel an unconscious guilt for having lived. They also may pick up the need to be perfect to make up for the left out child. When people take responsibility to honor and acknowledge the unborn child the family constellation is healed especially the person who took on the unborn child's feelings. It is really pretty amazing work to read about. The book is "The Healing of INdividuals, Families and Nations by John L Payne.

By for now,

Monday, February 12, 2007

Facing our fears

Blessings everyone,

I am working on some Couple Sparklings cards for the Couple workshop in April. My friend, Ahlam, and I are really enjoying the creations we come up with. They are beautiful and it has been easy and fun. All this time I have been putting it off from fear of not knowing how to do it, fear of this and fear of that. Well I went full boar into the face of fear and EXPLOSION of the illusions and stories into creative beauty! Yippee!!!

I am telling myself now that this was a small fear, but a BIG example of how to deal with ALL fear. In my marriage there is an issue that keeps coming up and we sweep it under the carpet and repress it.. Every once in awhile it explodes in our faces and demands to be dealt with. We sweep it under the carpet again. Well, this week I decided to face it full in the face without judgment, criticism, blame or victimizing. Wow!!! Now I am facing the fear of what will happen and the critical voice telling me what a fool I am. Now I am back in the judgment, criticism, blame and victimizing yet riding it through into the new space Spirit is calling us -whatever that is. I think this is all part of preparation for the workshop "Couple Sparklings Day" we are putting on in April. I know Spirit has amazing gifts for us in this that I can't even imagine yet. I sure can imagine the bad stuff though. Now I choose to remember the Law of Attraction and focus only on the goodness and expansion and unconditional love of Spirit and our love for each other so I don't attract the bad stuff. :)

For Valentine's Day I gave Rick and I a Tibetan bell blessing. My friend who works with the bells came over and chimed us with them individually and then together. I was blown away by the power and depth of the "marriage" to Rick state that I ended up in. We did a whole new depth of union as a couple within the sound of those bells. We decided we will do it for the couples who sign up for the workshop. What a blessing!


Wednesday, February 07, 2007


Hi, everyone,

Lately I have learned a great deal about marriage/partnering/co-creative relationships. Since I am a 41 year married person I will call this journey marriage, but it applies to all relationships. How deep do you desire to go? How evolutionary and conscious do choose to become in your relationship? How intimate are you willing to "be"?

Recently I invited Rick's essence, my husband, to enter the Garden of co-creation and the Temple of love with me in my morning meditation. As we entered the Temple of Love The Temple lit up brilliantly and fireworks went off. I heard a voice say, "We have been waiting for you on this level of relationship". I was in ecstasy getting to experience such a phenomenal spiritual connection with my partner instead of telling him about it. Suddenly I realized that in my spiritual life I have never married Rick. My pattern of, "I am alone and have to do it myself because he doesn't choose to" kept me separate and unmarried. In that moment I chose to marry Rick on all levels and include his essence in all my spiritual journeys. WOW!!! What a difference in our relationship!! I also use "ho'oponopono" with all the parts of Rick he mirrors to me of myself that need to be healed. Again I say "WOW"!! I am healing myself in depths and areas I never could access before and Rick is creating a whole new journey all on his own into himself and his Spirit, mind and body. My dreams are manifesting like popcorn all around me.

Come join our Couple Sparklings Workshop with the courage to REALLY be a co-creative couple and find an amazing journey waiting to lay itself out at your feet.

Blessings to all,

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Our trip to Florida

Hi, everyone,

Just got home from a week in Florida with three of our grandchildren. What a huge experience! I committed to staying with my essence self and experiencing that I was supported totally and BOY did I need that!! Tucker and I got very sick and had very unsettling experiences at the clinic we went to for medical care. Even though the experiences were unsettling we got good care and came home well. $1000 flowed out of our pocketbook into this clinic and now I am feeling the money flowing back to us abundantly.

We were in Florida during the tornadoes and severe wind and thunderstorms. We only experienced one powerful wind and rain storm while the tornadoes happened about a 1/2 hr away from us. We also were not able to really use our resorts facilities to its utmost because of the cold weather. I think we walked into participating in a planetary clearing of some sort and we were magnificent at working our way through it all. The children were wonderful even while sick. I stayed in a peaceful, powerful place in my center, and handled everything perfectly. I am grateful my husband never got sick.

This last 12 days was part of the Mayan 21 day cycle of "The Essence of Storm". I believe we really literally experienced being in the storm yet peaceful inside no matter what. The challenges were big, constant and deep. I feel like I came out of the center of the "Storm" much more connected to my essence self as a constant rather than occasionally. I feel different and more empowered than ever before.

I got to observe how my pattern of "I am alone, I have to do it all myself" permeates every part of my life. I made the observations and used the consciousness to stay in the knowing and experience of being totally supported when I could have chosen to disconnect and tell my self the story I was alone. I kept using "Busting Loose" to call back my power from the patterns of "I am alone" and create new patterns of connection and my own infinite power within the Divine Matrix. I saw a great deal about how much I love the new relationship Rick, my husband, and I are creating in our "empty nest" by seeing what patterns taking care of three children create in a relationship. I got to appreciate more deeply and consciously what amazing parents and partners we were in our 40 years of bringing up children.

Now that I am home alone again with up in Rochester at work I have time to look at all this and sort it out. I also have time to get back to co-creating our "Couple Sparklings Day" for those who feel called to such a magnificent expansion journey. :)

The Secret of a Valentine's Day you'll treasure forever!!!!!!

Looking for an Amazing Gift from your Heart to your Partner?

Looking to raise your Relationship to a higher level of Intimacy, Fun, Joy and Love?

You've found it!!

Contact us now for the most fabulous gift you will ever give your Beloved:

A Couple Sparklings Day.

The life you are waiting for is waiting for you!
Greet it together!!

Couple Sparklings Days include:

Play Time:
Cultivating a Spirit of Adventure

Co-creating and Experiencing an Abundant Life

Exploring Foods to Enrich your Relationship
Connection to Enrich your Spirit (includes awesome meal)

Busting Loose and Consciously Evolving from Ego to Essence

Surprises!! ????????

****The next Couples Sparkling Day is being offered****

Saturday, April 14, 2007
Time: 9AM to 9 0r 10PM
Where: 45 Wintergreen Dr. Quaker Hill, Ct. 06375
Facilitators: Sharon Walker, OBT, MSLC and Emrys Tetu, HHC

Gratitude offering for the day is $300/couple.
Register now and pay $250/couple (through Valentine's Day).
Gift packaging and Priority mailing for your partner's
personalized welcome packet are included.

Call 860-443-0657 to register. Meet Sharon at www.magnificentexpansion.blogspot.com and Emrys at www.wellnesswithfood.com