Monday, February 26, 2007

fertilization complete

Blessings everyone,

Wow!! I am feeling MUch better today. My flu days are on the way out and the experience I have used them for is awesome. I have really fertilized my seeds of embracing the parts of myself that sabotage my dreams and choices. These seeds are blossoming into whole new dimensions of loving myself and accessing the eternal flow of love, joy and wholeness that we are immersed in and literally exist as.

Today when I did my qigong I was in that flow of consciousness that is pure, loving, powerful, joy filled and amazing. I never really have to use my own human energy disconnected from this flow again. I know how this new depth of connection feels now and I choose to stay in that space. I assign my inner team to keeping me there even when I fall asleep a million times a day.

I even discovered the place on my computer that I have been storing wonderful things that I haven't been able to find. I just fell into the space by accident(no accidents though are there). I was so excited. I even had some joy meditations that I created for burning a CD that were there. I listened to one last night and realized that I hadn't felt that joy filled in awhile. What sweetness in our joy spot. What a great re-membering that I am JOY. YOu are JOY! We are all magnificent beyond our wildest dreams. Joy is the space to create from because it creates more joy in our lives.

What a journey getting ready for this "Couples Sparklings Day". It certainly is true that the person who teaches learns more than those who are the students.

Rick and I talked about the ways we disconnect and connect with each other tonight. Very interesting. It made me realize that for 39 years of bringing up children we connected a great deal through the bringing up of children. Now we are lolling around in a space of disconnection a lot of times with seemingly nothing to connect with. We are recreating what it means to us as a couple to be connected and I love it when we connect. The connection seems much deeper than ever. One of our new deeper connections is in our meditation times together. When I realize the disconnected times I really have to check in and see if I am connected to myself. When I get reconnected with myself and share what is up for me with Rick we get reconnected also. Relationships sure are the Temple of Conscious Evolution and Enlightenment these days.

Sleep in beauty and love tonight.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Blessings for all

Hi, everyone,

Sending you lots of blessings today. One of those is this wonderful new movie on its way into our lives - Time of the Sixth Sun. You can check it out at Promises to be a wonderful experience for all of us walking the path of consciousness and peace on this planet. Its full of interviews with visionaries galore.

Today in my meditation time I got the idea to love the parts of myself that keep me in a small place in life and with little power by sitting with their feelings from my essence self. Acknowledging the feelings and choosing for the power of their energy to become the fertilizer for the seeds of what my essence self truly chooses to create. This puts EVERY part of me into the energy of creation from its highest power because of gratitude and love and acknowledgment of its true essence. Garbage becomes fertilizer and we choose the seeds of what we want to create. This also integrates all our parts into wholeness.

Here is an excerpt from "The Mayan Oracle" for all of us

"I am Kan (a Divine aspect from the Mayan tradition), the Bodhi-mandala, creative seed, possibility erupting; temple-lit realm of the shimmmering, golden vitality of life quickening seed into responsive surrender, gestating form. Oh, fertil soul thou art! The cosmic seed takes root in thee. To follow thy joy will set it free!

Remember you are the seed that quickens itself to wakefulness taking root. Reach. Nurture. In simple receptiveness, be present with your dream. Offer clear intent, receive the golden wisdom of the sun and fertile Earth in nourishment, that you may bring the glowing, vital force into visible form!

I am Kan. I watch eagerly for the hardy shoots to emerge from the seeds you have planted. I attend them faithfully, for your dreams , visions, heart's desires are the seeded pattern that glitters on the fabric of creation, giving it joyful form and radiant luster. Your self-germinating seeds hold the potential of the greatest magic: the recognition and loving embrace of your Godseed Self. The divine impulse within you calls you forth. The creator is born in the creation.

Remember that all seeds are self-germinated and that the realization of any dream starts with a simple thought. Don't get lost in the entire process of manifestation; just begin by seeding your heart's desire. Feel the possibility of your dream seed emerging. Your life is the receptive soil. Plant a seed in that fertile field. Begin. The result will naturally blossom in the light of your willingness to start.

All seeds hold the holographic power of their own completion. Kan represents the power that directs the vital processes of an organism toward wholeness. Continue on the journey of manifestation by following your deepest feelings and dreams.
-The Mayan Oracle" by Ariel spilsbury and Michael Bryner-

Watching "The Secret" with my husband was such fun tonight. It put the icing on the cake of my meditation with more positive energies and feelings flowing. I choose life beyond my wildest imagination. Rick and I are really moving in the process to be the "Couple Sparklings Day" we are presenting. We are feeling and experiencing the day full of wonderful, amazing couples and we are all full of fun, joy, expansion, miracles and abundance. WE are the ones we have been waiting for.

Blessings for all,

Friday, February 23, 2007

Musings with the flu

Blessings everyone,

Well I guess I have succumbed to the flu. So I have an appointment with the acupuncturist this afternoon. I'm taking lots of "stuff" and just hanging out. I'm intending my body release its toxins quickly and choosing the totally whole essence part of me to step in here.

Yesterday I got visited by "small me" presenting me with the deities of self sabotage, ego mania and negative vision in all areas of my life. Wow! Was I looking down on myself. I felt like laying down and letting them roll over me which is pretty much what I did. Maybe the flu is the result of the roll over and the toxins pouring out. :) I am sitting with my dieties and loving them and healing the rift between ego and essence. My support team reminded me to keep my eyes on the journey, not on the results. How am I feeling on my journey? How are my deities serving my journey? What is good about all of this encounter?

ONe of things that is good is that I now see more about how I am leeking my energy. I am calling back my energy from all the patterns and stories these deities trick me with to keep me small. I know I am the Divine Presence on the planet and I bless them into their divinity.


Tuesday, February 20, 2007

More winter blessings

Hi, everyone,

I can't believe that I haven't been blogging in days again. My life is running so fast even when I am meditating:) I am up in Rochester, NY with my husband, Rick, for the week. Lots of snow up here. As we were driving here it was snowing almost all the way. I decided to experience the snow as multitudes of blessings blowing and falling into my life as the car speeded into it. It kept me from getting scared and I opened for hours of receiving blessings upon blessings. I received blessings of love, blessings of gobs of money, blessings of joy, blessings of safety, blessings of relationship with Rick, blessings of new thoughts, blessings, blessings and more blessings. I am sending overflow blessings to all of you - winter blessings in abundance - soon to be spring blessings. :)

Last week I had a great experience of a new short form of acupuncture in a healing arts class I attended. Very interesting! You get the same five acupuncture points in each of your ears and then lay or sit and meditate for 45 min. The treatment is very powerful and is used with addictions very successfully. It is now being expanded into all arenas of treatments. I"m thinking of getting certified and using it with my clients.

Got to watch my new DVD on Mayan Calendar Codes System last week also. WOW! If you ever feel so inspired you can check it out online. The Mayan Calendar is way more than anything we could ever imagine as a calendar in our culture. It is very rich and full with information, energy and insights into where we are and where we are going. I will be spending more time with it while I am here in Rochester.

Seeing and feeling you all receiving your winter blessings with big smiles on your faces and joy in your hearts.


Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day

Blessings everyone,

Make every day a Valentine's Day! Don't stop with today. Imagine how amazing our lives would be if we continued to honor and love each other in special ways every day. We could have such exciting, warm, fun, surprising lives. This year besides the tibetan bell blessing, I gave Rick the CD program radical self acceptance. What a gift of loving yourself to package up for Valentine's. I get to use it also :)

Today I was reading a book on healing individuals, families and nations that is VERY interesting. It is majorly founded on the principle that Soul incorporates everything and allow nothing to be depressed or lost. We may be able to fool ourselves into thinking we hid something or someone or got rid of it or them but that never happens. The something or someone shows up in another person within the family, group, nation, etc. This all happens on an unconscious level whenever the "Orders of Love" are crossed or violated. "The Order of LOve" describe a natural pattern that there is a distinct order stating who belongs and who does not belong, not only in a family system, but also in larger groups such as nations.

For example, siblings are all aware of each other in a family whether or not they all are born. If there is a miscarriage or abortion the unborn child is still a member of the family. The surviving children often feel an unconscious guilt for having lived. They also may pick up the need to be perfect to make up for the left out child. When people take responsibility to honor and acknowledge the unborn child the family constellation is healed especially the person who took on the unborn child's feelings. It is really pretty amazing work to read about. The book is "The Healing of INdividuals, Families and Nations by John L Payne.

By for now,

Monday, February 12, 2007

Facing our fears

Blessings everyone,

I am working on some Couple Sparklings cards for the Couple workshop in April. My friend, Ahlam, and I are really enjoying the creations we come up with. They are beautiful and it has been easy and fun. All this time I have been putting it off from fear of not knowing how to do it, fear of this and fear of that. Well I went full boar into the face of fear and EXPLOSION of the illusions and stories into creative beauty! Yippee!!!

I am telling myself now that this was a small fear, but a BIG example of how to deal with ALL fear. In my marriage there is an issue that keeps coming up and we sweep it under the carpet and repress it.. Every once in awhile it explodes in our faces and demands to be dealt with. We sweep it under the carpet again. Well, this week I decided to face it full in the face without judgment, criticism, blame or victimizing. Wow!!! Now I am facing the fear of what will happen and the critical voice telling me what a fool I am. Now I am back in the judgment, criticism, blame and victimizing yet riding it through into the new space Spirit is calling us -whatever that is. I think this is all part of preparation for the workshop "Couple Sparklings Day" we are putting on in April. I know Spirit has amazing gifts for us in this that I can't even imagine yet. I sure can imagine the bad stuff though. Now I choose to remember the Law of Attraction and focus only on the goodness and expansion and unconditional love of Spirit and our love for each other so I don't attract the bad stuff. :)

For Valentine's Day I gave Rick and I a Tibetan bell blessing. My friend who works with the bells came over and chimed us with them individually and then together. I was blown away by the power and depth of the "marriage" to Rick state that I ended up in. We did a whole new depth of union as a couple within the sound of those bells. We decided we will do it for the couples who sign up for the workshop. What a blessing!


Wednesday, February 07, 2007


Hi, everyone,

Lately I have learned a great deal about marriage/partnering/co-creative relationships. Since I am a 41 year married person I will call this journey marriage, but it applies to all relationships. How deep do you desire to go? How evolutionary and conscious do choose to become in your relationship? How intimate are you willing to "be"?

Recently I invited Rick's essence, my husband, to enter the Garden of co-creation and the Temple of love with me in my morning meditation. As we entered the Temple of Love The Temple lit up brilliantly and fireworks went off. I heard a voice say, "We have been waiting for you on this level of relationship". I was in ecstasy getting to experience such a phenomenal spiritual connection with my partner instead of telling him about it. Suddenly I realized that in my spiritual life I have never married Rick. My pattern of, "I am alone and have to do it myself because he doesn't choose to" kept me separate and unmarried. In that moment I chose to marry Rick on all levels and include his essence in all my spiritual journeys. WOW!!! What a difference in our relationship!! I also use "ho'oponopono" with all the parts of Rick he mirrors to me of myself that need to be healed. Again I say "WOW"!! I am healing myself in depths and areas I never could access before and Rick is creating a whole new journey all on his own into himself and his Spirit, mind and body. My dreams are manifesting like popcorn all around me.

Come join our Couple Sparklings Workshop with the courage to REALLY be a co-creative couple and find an amazing journey waiting to lay itself out at your feet.

Blessings to all,

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Our trip to Florida

Hi, everyone,

Just got home from a week in Florida with three of our grandchildren. What a huge experience! I committed to staying with my essence self and experiencing that I was supported totally and BOY did I need that!! Tucker and I got very sick and had very unsettling experiences at the clinic we went to for medical care. Even though the experiences were unsettling we got good care and came home well. $1000 flowed out of our pocketbook into this clinic and now I am feeling the money flowing back to us abundantly.

We were in Florida during the tornadoes and severe wind and thunderstorms. We only experienced one powerful wind and rain storm while the tornadoes happened about a 1/2 hr away from us. We also were not able to really use our resorts facilities to its utmost because of the cold weather. I think we walked into participating in a planetary clearing of some sort and we were magnificent at working our way through it all. The children were wonderful even while sick. I stayed in a peaceful, powerful place in my center, and handled everything perfectly. I am grateful my husband never got sick.

This last 12 days was part of the Mayan 21 day cycle of "The Essence of Storm". I believe we really literally experienced being in the storm yet peaceful inside no matter what. The challenges were big, constant and deep. I feel like I came out of the center of the "Storm" much more connected to my essence self as a constant rather than occasionally. I feel different and more empowered than ever before.

I got to observe how my pattern of "I am alone, I have to do it all myself" permeates every part of my life. I made the observations and used the consciousness to stay in the knowing and experience of being totally supported when I could have chosen to disconnect and tell my self the story I was alone. I kept using "Busting Loose" to call back my power from the patterns of "I am alone" and create new patterns of connection and my own infinite power within the Divine Matrix. I saw a great deal about how much I love the new relationship Rick, my husband, and I are creating in our "empty nest" by seeing what patterns taking care of three children create in a relationship. I got to appreciate more deeply and consciously what amazing parents and partners we were in our 40 years of bringing up children.

Now that I am home alone again with up in Rochester at work I have time to look at all this and sort it out. I also have time to get back to co-creating our "Couple Sparklings Day" for those who feel called to such a magnificent expansion journey. :)

The Secret of a Valentine's Day you'll treasure forever!!!!!!

Looking for an Amazing Gift from your Heart to your Partner?

Looking to raise your Relationship to a higher level of Intimacy, Fun, Joy and Love?

You've found it!!

Contact us now for the most fabulous gift you will ever give your Beloved:

A Couple Sparklings Day.

The life you are waiting for is waiting for you!
Greet it together!!

Couple Sparklings Days include:

Play Time:
Cultivating a Spirit of Adventure

Co-creating and Experiencing an Abundant Life

Exploring Foods to Enrich your Relationship
Connection to Enrich your Spirit (includes awesome meal)

Busting Loose and Consciously Evolving from Ego to Essence

Surprises!! ????????

****The next Couples Sparkling Day is being offered****

Saturday, April 14, 2007
Time: 9AM to 9 0r 10PM
Where: 45 Wintergreen Dr. Quaker Hill, Ct. 06375
Facilitators: Sharon Walker, OBT, MSLC and Emrys Tetu, HHC

Gratitude offering for the day is $300/couple.
Register now and pay $250/couple (through Valentine's Day).
Gift packaging and Priority mailing for your partner's
personalized welcome packet are included.

Call 860-443-0657 to register. Meet Sharon at and Emrys at