Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Blessings everyone,

I was just listening again to Michael Beckwith's sermon "Your law, Your Life". My mind went to the infinity of God over and over again. What does that mean to the way I live my life and the concepts I have about lack? The immediate realizations I know are a challenge to me especially now that Rick is looking for a new job. I am challenged to stay open to the fact that God is infinite and our money flow is from God, not a job.

Something else comes up for me around limitlessness of God. We talk about living on the planet in a resourceful way. I feel drawn to a larger picture of resourceful rather than living within the limits of what seems to be available and sharing. The question arises for me if we live that way are we really allowing God to be limitless? Maybe things are limited, but God is not.

I am reminded of how the cingular microorganisms did not have the consciousness to know to control their population because their food was running out on the planet and they would all die. They had not conceptual thought of the fear of limited food. What actually happened was miraculous unions and new creations such as photosynthesis to create oxygen (which at this point cingular cells were poisoned by oxygen). Also the cingular cells united into multicellular organisms out of which eventually humans were created.

Every turning point of chaos and crisis and perceived limitation created new completely unknown revelations, creations and tools. We are at a point right now on our planet of consciously facing perceived limitations and chaos. Should we focus on how to deal with limitations or look at creating something new that in our perception now is limitless? Do we create communities that are self sustaining from the fear and perception of lack or from the vision of limitlessness? For example, using cars and operating them from gas that is a limited supply is a challenge for us now. Do we learn to use fuel that is limitless which does exist on the planet? Do we also look to finding limitless fuel supplies we may not know are possible to use yet? Do we play with that we are the creators and somehow learn also to make the oil supply limitless like the lamps the virgins burned in the Bible? What else does the perception and relationship we have as limitless Gods and Goddesses call us to here?

Feeling us all have a limitless day of love, abundance, joy and fun.


Friday, April 20, 2007

The PLanet transforming

Blessings everyone,

I thought I'd create two blogs today. I feel good having time to be in my work again :)

We are in the time on our planet when we are consciously cultivating our own evolution.

This period of rapid shift in western society marks the beginning of the arising of what we might call metaphorically "imaginal cells" of the emerging "societal butterfly." Imaginal cells are what appear when the process of metamorphosis from caterpillar to butterfly occurs. As the body of the caterpillar begins to "break down," the "image" and structure of the newly emerging butterfly begins to form as imaginal "discs." At first the immune system of the caterpillar attacks these new discs as if they are foreign, but eventually the replication of these discs increases until the immune system breaks down and the new imaginal cells emerge and form themselves into a new pattern—the butterfly. This is a useful analogy for what is occurring in society as the old structures break down and the new patterns begin to emerge. But the new pattern is not yet fully formed and there are as yet no "new wineskins for the new wine."

I am continually amazed at the creative and expansive thinking on the planet when we connect with conscious evolutionaries, visionaries, quantum physicists and cosmogenesists. The above quote is from the Gateway handbook under the section exploring "the Living Universe". Isn't it amazing and mind expanding to "see" our planet in such a state of metamorphosis? Let's choose together from the resonant field to co-create the "new wineskins for the new wine we are becoming."


Playing with Chaos

Blessings everyone,

I am so grateful for how I am moving through all of this chaos around Rick's terminated consulting contract. Wednesday we drove to Rochester and moved all of our stuff from his apartment and brought it back here to our home in CT on Thursday. We unloaded it all and jumped into the hot tub and vegged out watching TV for a short while. Today we, along with the help of two of our grandchildren and our daughter, filled the truck full of branches and twigs from the storm, put the apartment stuff in our attic or somewhere in our house and cleared our deck of clutter and junk. Tomorrow we get our house appraised by the bank for a new mortgage.

All of this done with a sore body, but in ease, grace, fun and love. I am so grateful to Spirit, myself, my husband and our family. My heart and arms are open to the Universe to pour it's blessings, gifts and abundance into my life. Life is rich and full.

I hold us in the resonant field of Gateway calling in all the energies of abundance and creativity. While we are embraced in the arms of love we send out the attraction vibrations for the perfect job for Rick and also for me. We entrain with those who have the perfect jobs in their lives that bring in so much connection with spirit and family, joy, fun and extreme abundance. We are grateful to be experiencing these new jobs right now. What fun and huge gratitude and appreciation to Spirit, ourselves and the resonant field.


Thursday, April 12, 2007

money and sacrifice

Blessings everyone,

Feeling us all dancing in joy and gratitude with our beloved Source and Essence selves today and every moment. In this space I invite you to experience the infinity and generosity aspect of the amazing Divine Matrix/Source we are.

I discovered this week that I have an old pattern of needing to sacrifice in order to gain anything, including money. So when my husband's contract was terminated I immediately went into sacrifice mode. I have to give up everything until we figure out how to bring in lots of money again. During my coaching session I realized that pattern was telling the Universe I don't want any more money and was calling in lack.

I went inside. I chose to believe that the Universe is in ecstasy when I can receive and receive and receive without the Universe taking anything in return, especially not sacrifice. Amazing things began to happen. I saw huge, thick, metal doors begin to open wide for receiving. I felt the opening begin to realign my energies and beliefs and patterns. I moved into deep, powerful, graced joy and gratitude flowing through my being like rivers of energy expanding me beyond all my limits. Tears were also flowing in this river of delite. I knew my real being and that is why the Universe invites us into joy and gratitude for everything in our life. The joy and gratitude bring us into the connection with who we truly are - Divine Ecstasy!

In the evening when I meditated again I found Divine Ecstasy and my Essence dancing in pure freedom, glee, love, joy, gratitude. Divine Ecstasy is in bliss when we receive and know that we need give nothing in return, just receive. It is Source's pure pleasure to give and give and give without asking anything in return. When we enter the space of joy and gratitude from the receiving of such amazing love the dance of Divine Ecstasy is experienced by us also. Imagine yourself dancing in the Oneness in Divine Ecstasy together. It was beyond the beyond of bliss and energy and movement. Try it, you'll probably love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So I am not living in the space of lack but in the space of the truth of Divine abundance and the Universe giving, giving, giving while I receive, receive, receive and dance in the joy and gratitude of it all. I don't understand how this will work, but I am loving it so far.

In joy and gratitude,

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Redoing the past

Blessings everyone,

I am just emerging out of my shock, out of a black hole that swallowed me this week in my husband's consulting contract being canceled. I am emerging into the space of being the universe in person. I am learning how to make this alive in my daily living - I am the universe in person. How do I bring that into my world to support me in this transition with magnificence and power?

Well, these are some of the things we know about the universe.

A Unified Field
Continuously Regenerated
Free at the Foundation
Self-creating, Self-Organizing, and Self-Transcending
The Unfolding of an Implicate Order

The universe is a unified field and that means to me that I am connected to everyone and everything and living and moving in the heart of God. I am not alone and everything is supporting me and available to me.

The Universe is continuously in every moment regenerating itself. So I am regenerating myself in every moment. When I remain conscious, I can make choices to regenerate on purpose, not by default. I can also go back and change my past and make it my present exactly the way I want it. So I am going back and telling a new story about Rick being without a consulting job and in the process of finding a new one. The last time this happened it took a whole year and we got very deep in debt. Now I am recreating that and seeing it as the happiest, freeing time full of fun and a great adventure. I see that we became able to bring all the money we needed and more from deep within ourselves and didn't need to depend on jobs from others. I see my business providing huge amounts of money with ease and effortlessness and little input from me. I see and feel the joy of this amazing journey and all the miracles that the Universe has going on in every moment as my moment by moment life. WoW!!! This is my recreation and how will that change my experience this time? I can't wait to see.

The Universe is free at its foundation. So how can I allow myself to be present to being free at my foundation? I am not in prison except in my illusions of who I am. I am letting my bodymindspirit feel the vibrations of those words - I am free at my foundation. I am jumping off into health, relationship, life from this foundation. Where will my jump take me from a free foundation?

I will share more tomorrow on Easter Sunday.

I invite you all to meditate with this perception yourself that you are the universe in person.

Once your mind is quiet, say to yourself "The universe is (place here one of the essential ideas) and I am the universe in person."

Example: "The universe is a unified field and I am the universe in person."

Use this as a mantra, repeating it several times, feeling the words come alive in you and then relax back into your quiet mind.

Happy meditating,

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Adventure Questing

Blessings everyone,

Well, my husband unexpectedly got his consulting contract terminated and is now jobless. Totally unexpected and yet not unexpected. We have been meditating for him to get a job closer to home and that we intended to have this job BEFORE he left his present job. So now we are on a new adventure quest to co-create the next step in our job journey. I know that Spirit is afoot with magic and I can't wait to see what will show up. We have one job that would be absolutely perfect that Rick has applied for and we are waiting to hear from the company. My poor me and fear person are being held in a loving, caring place of safety as they run their feelings. I am choosing love, prosperity, joy, abundance flowing, fun, trust and putting my essence self in charge. Thus, we are on an adventure quest.

I am also challenged in one of my relationships with a dear friend this week. So I am on an adventure quest in the relationship arena also. What can I co-create within the parameters of love, joy, ease, grace, fun, honor and lightness?

Meet you on the new earth,