Hi, everyone,
Finally the interview with Rick Jarow and following book club are finalized and here is the flyer!
Please pass this information on to anyone you feel would be interested.
Secrets for Turning Your Life Into Gold
An interview with Rick Jarow, the author of "The Alchemy of Abundance"
followed by an eight week discussion/coaching book club!
Rick Jarow calls "the Alchemy of Abundance: - the fusion of internal forces and external experience that transmutes the "base metal of a stagnant life" into the gold of full and open participation in every unfolding moment. In "Alchemy of Abundance", Jarow reveals the miracle that happens to you when you align your inner energies - your passion, creativity, attention, and will - with the power of the universe itself to make manifest your unique purpose and dreams. You will construct your own "Mandala of Manifestation" that will clarify and empower what you intend to come into being. Here is a life changing program that offers the miraculous rewards of a life deeply lived, as you engage in the "Alchemy of Abundance."
"The quality of your attention is the genuine measure of abundance, and your greatest asset in any situation. This is true abundance: to cower before no one and no thing, to honor the life we have been given, and to dare to open to our fullness." -Rick Jarow.
The interview will be a teleconference call on January 17, 2006 - at 12 PM EST and one at 8PM EST. The interview is FREE except for your long distance fees. I will send you the access information when I receive your registration. To register please email me: energecstasy@snet.net or phone 860-443-0657.
The interview will be followed by an eight week exciting teleclass discussion/coaching book club unlocking the secrets of "The Alchemy of Abundance" together.
NOW is the perfect time to use this book to create powerful, soul+full intentions for the New Year and have support to follow through.
The book club will take place on 8 Tuesdays January 24, 31, and Feb. 7,14, 21, 28, March 7th, and 14th 2006. The book club will also be a teleclass. We will also have our own egroup to connect with each other. Everyone who participates in the book club will receive an MP3 of Rick Jarow's interview. I will send you the information for the bridge and pin # when you register.
Time: 12 to 1:15PM EST and/or 7 to 8:15PM ESTCost: $120 plus $19.95 for the book (includes meditation CD and can be purchased through Sounds True)One on one coaching sessions can be included for an additional $25 per 1/2hr. (save $15)Register by sending an email to Energecstasy@snet.net or calling 860-443-0657.
Rick Jarow, PHD, is a practicing alternative career counselor, an Associate Professor of Religious studies at Vassar College, workshop leader at the Open Center in NY and author of Creating the Work You Love: Courage, Commitment and Career, In Search of the Sacred: A Pilgrimage to Holy Places, and more. His acclaimed national seminars, based upon years of research and practice with lineage holders in both Eastern and Western traditions, focus on interfacing intuitive inner experience with effective action in the world. Website: www.anticareer.com Rick is sponsored, published and marketed by Sounds True.
Sharon Walker, a Master Spiritual Life Coach, Acupressure Therapist and author, will interview Rick Jarow and facilitate the following book discussion club. Sharon is a member of the ECBP group who co-authored "Special Report: the Buzz on Spirit in Business." Sharon is also a featured columnist on "The Goddess Network." See more about Sharon at www.energecstasy.com , www.magnificentexpansion.blogspot.com , and www.thebuzzonspirit.com
Friday, December 30, 2005
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
DEC. 28 the last five days of Christmas
Merry Christmas everyone,
We are so exhausted here from having so much fun! We have had about five Christmas celebrations with my family and one more tonight. My life is so full of family, friends, fun, joy, laughter, get togethers every day, love and lots of good food that I am literally exhausted. And I thought I would like to live this everyday. :) Too much fullness of this sort can't be kept up at this pace. I am so happy to be having such a magnificent Christmas. My heart is overflowing and watching with my Spirit eyes as the overflow travels around our planet blessing everyone and even reaches those who are hiding. Miracles are happening everywhere and are a normal part of life.
Now moving on to the New Year and the book club for everyone that Rick Jarow and I are working on, "The Alchemy of Abundance." Things are still on hold for some connections we need and we are excited about this adventure into creating gold in our lives. In order to do that we need to know in detail what we want and who we are. Most people set goals for the New Year from their shallow conscious minds. This book club will teach us to set goals from our soul mind and come up with ideas that aligned with your life's purpose. When your goals come from your soul space, they pack a lot more power and creativity and fulfillment.
We are so exhausted here from having so much fun! We have had about five Christmas celebrations with my family and one more tonight. My life is so full of family, friends, fun, joy, laughter, get togethers every day, love and lots of good food that I am literally exhausted. And I thought I would like to live this everyday. :) Too much fullness of this sort can't be kept up at this pace. I am so happy to be having such a magnificent Christmas. My heart is overflowing and watching with my Spirit eyes as the overflow travels around our planet blessing everyone and even reaches those who are hiding. Miracles are happening everywhere and are a normal part of life.
Now moving on to the New Year and the book club for everyone that Rick Jarow and I are working on, "The Alchemy of Abundance." Things are still on hold for some connections we need and we are excited about this adventure into creating gold in our lives. In order to do that we need to know in detail what we want and who we are. Most people set goals for the New Year from their shallow conscious minds. This book club will teach us to set goals from our soul mind and come up with ideas that aligned with your life's purpose. When your goals come from your soul space, they pack a lot more power and creativity and fulfillment.
Thursday, December 22, 2005
Dec. 22 still getting ready

Hi, everyone,
We are still getting ready for Christmas but in my heart it is Christmas every moment. The Spirit of Christmas being love, joy, peace and abundance I know I choose the Spirit every moment of every day of the year. I invite you to choose too. Wrap yourself in a pink cloud of love, open to your true self of joy and breathe peace into your heart. It is your choice in every moment. The circumstances of your life are invitations to choose and create from Spirit. Remember "You can live as if everything is a miracle or as if nothing is a miracle." Allow everything to be a miracle this year in your life. Need some "Miracle Coaching"? I"m here to serve you joyfully.
The preparations for the book club "The Alchemy of Abundance" are proceeding very slowly. I guess it is because of the busyness of the holidays. I am waiting to hear from Sounds True, who is the publisher of the book, about advertising. If i don't hear soon I will proceed without them.
Friday, December 16, 2005
Dec. 16 A Great Family Trip
Hi, everyone,
I just got back from a visit with my brother, sisters and Dad (who has alzheimers). I really had a fabulous time with them. I must have been inspired by Spirit to take all of them to see "Narnia" as a Christmas present from me. We all enjoyed ourselves immensely, were blessed by the movie and the time together was intimately connecting. I was so ecstatic about how much it meant to all of us. I only see my birth family about twice a year and my spirit just soared at what an amazing Christmas present this turned out to be.
I am slowly getting the book club and interview with Rick Jarow put together. Waiting on information from Sounds True. I am also thinking of doing a book club with the book "HEaling the Heart of the Planet".
I had a conversation with someone this week about "MOney being the root of all evil" according to them. Many of us were taught this as children and we may be suffering financially because of this belief. If we think of money as evil we certainly are telling the Universe that we don't want any money in our lives. Yet money was created by humans to barter, buy and trade with for food, clothes, shelter and the things we need and desire to enjoy our lives. We can't attract money if we are repelling it energetically by our beliefs. Money is an energetic exchange for the things we want and need in life. It is neither good or bad. Our use of money can hurt ourselves and others but that is not money's fault it is our choice. We are responsible for using the money (energy exchange) in our possession for our blessing and the blessing of others.
Another thing this person had shared with me was how rich people are abusers of others. The truth is anyone can be an abuser of others if they so choose. When we put all rich people in this category we again repel money in our own lives because we don't want to be abusers of others. Many rich people are extremely generous and their life joy is to help others. They fund charities, research, businesses, employ thousands of people and do it with joy and an open heart. I hang out with a lot of rich people like this and they are full of a magnificent joy and generosity. They LOVE having so much money that they can CONTRIBUTE so much to society.
I invite you this holy season of love to expand your consciousness around money so that you too may receive abundance into your life with ease and grace. Open your hearts and your lives to receive the abundance that Source wants to give you. You know how happy you are to give your children? Just think how happy Source is to give and Source has infinite capacity to give. Will you allow yourself to receive? If you want more help with this I am glad to be of service.
Love and magnificent Christmas blessings,
I just got back from a visit with my brother, sisters and Dad (who has alzheimers). I really had a fabulous time with them. I must have been inspired by Spirit to take all of them to see "Narnia" as a Christmas present from me. We all enjoyed ourselves immensely, were blessed by the movie and the time together was intimately connecting. I was so ecstatic about how much it meant to all of us. I only see my birth family about twice a year and my spirit just soared at what an amazing Christmas present this turned out to be.
I am slowly getting the book club and interview with Rick Jarow put together. Waiting on information from Sounds True. I am also thinking of doing a book club with the book "HEaling the Heart of the Planet".
I had a conversation with someone this week about "MOney being the root of all evil" according to them. Many of us were taught this as children and we may be suffering financially because of this belief. If we think of money as evil we certainly are telling the Universe that we don't want any money in our lives. Yet money was created by humans to barter, buy and trade with for food, clothes, shelter and the things we need and desire to enjoy our lives. We can't attract money if we are repelling it energetically by our beliefs. Money is an energetic exchange for the things we want and need in life. It is neither good or bad. Our use of money can hurt ourselves and others but that is not money's fault it is our choice. We are responsible for using the money (energy exchange) in our possession for our blessing and the blessing of others.
Another thing this person had shared with me was how rich people are abusers of others. The truth is anyone can be an abuser of others if they so choose. When we put all rich people in this category we again repel money in our own lives because we don't want to be abusers of others. Many rich people are extremely generous and their life joy is to help others. They fund charities, research, businesses, employ thousands of people and do it with joy and an open heart. I hang out with a lot of rich people like this and they are full of a magnificent joy and generosity. They LOVE having so much money that they can CONTRIBUTE so much to society.
I invite you this holy season of love to expand your consciousness around money so that you too may receive abundance into your life with ease and grace. Open your hearts and your lives to receive the abundance that Source wants to give you. You know how happy you are to give your children? Just think how happy Source is to give and Source has infinite capacity to give. Will you allow yourself to receive? If you want more help with this I am glad to be of service.
Love and magnificent Christmas blessings,
Friday, December 02, 2005
Dec. 2 creating a book club for you
Hi, everyone,
I'm so excited about creating this book club and interview with "The Alchemy of Abundance" book by Rick Jarow. Rick is wonderful to work with and we are having a great time with this project. So far we think the interview will be on Jan. 10, 2006 - at 12 PM EST and one at 8PM EST. We'll see how many people sign up for each time. We will also record the interview and make it available to you through audioacrobat.
The book club will take place on 8 Tuesdays January 17, 24, 31, and Feb. 7,14, 21,28 and March 7th, 2006.
Time: 12 to 1:15PM EST and/or 7 to 8PM EST
Cost: $125 plus $19.95 book (includes meditation CD and can be purchased through Sounds True)
One on one coaching sessions can be included for an additional $25 per 1/2hr. (save $15)
Register by sending an email to Energecstasy@snet.net or calling 860-443-0657
A full flyer with more information is in the process. This is a perfect time to use this book to create powerful, soul+full intentions for the New Year and have support to follow through.
Rick Jarow, PHD, is a practicing alternative career counselor, an Assocaite Professor of Religious studies at Vassar College, worshop leader at the Open Center in NY and author of Creating the Work You Love: courage, Commitment and Career, In Search of the Sacred: A PIlgrmiage to HOly Places, and more. His acclaimed national seminars, based upon years of research and practice with lineage holders in both Eastern and Western traditions, focus on interfacing intuitive inner experience with effective action in the world. Website: www.anticareer.com
Rick is sponsored, published and marketed by Sounds True.
I'm so excited about creating this book club and interview with "The Alchemy of Abundance" book by Rick Jarow. Rick is wonderful to work with and we are having a great time with this project. So far we think the interview will be on Jan. 10, 2006 - at 12 PM EST and one at 8PM EST. We'll see how many people sign up for each time. We will also record the interview and make it available to you through audioacrobat.
The book club will take place on 8 Tuesdays January 17, 24, 31, and Feb. 7,14, 21,28 and March 7th, 2006.
Time: 12 to 1:15PM EST and/or 7 to 8PM EST
Cost: $125 plus $19.95 book (includes meditation CD and can be purchased through Sounds True)
One on one coaching sessions can be included for an additional $25 per 1/2hr. (save $15)
Register by sending an email to Energecstasy@snet.net or calling 860-443-0657
A full flyer with more information is in the process. This is a perfect time to use this book to create powerful, soul+full intentions for the New Year and have support to follow through.
Rick Jarow, PHD, is a practicing alternative career counselor, an Assocaite Professor of Religious studies at Vassar College, worshop leader at the Open Center in NY and author of Creating the Work You Love: courage, Commitment and Career, In Search of the Sacred: A PIlgrmiage to HOly Places, and more. His acclaimed national seminars, based upon years of research and practice with lineage holders in both Eastern and Western traditions, focus on interfacing intuitive inner experience with effective action in the world. Website: www.anticareer.com
Rick is sponsored, published and marketed by Sounds True.
Friday, November 18, 2005
Nov. 17 Remembering my Mom
Hi, everyone,
In 10 days it will be the 3rd Anniversary of my Mom's passing into her glorious new space. I was searching in my bookcase and found a letter my Mom asked me write to my many brothers and sisters the night before her funeral. As I reread this beautiful letter flowing with Mother love I felt compelled to share it with all of you who may have lost a Mother. I see and feel healing flowing from my Mom's letter to all of you. It seems as though now she has joined with all the MOther's she is with as the voices emanating from her letter. I see you flowing in rivers of peace, love and joy as you read this letter.
To My Beloved Children
"MOtherhood: All love begins and ends here." ~Robert Browning~
You are all my life and love as you well know. You are not cause for my passing. I now know I chose this passing all by myself. The body ceases to function when it can no longer hold the secrets we demand it holds. The secrets slowly poison our bodies. The responsibility for the cessation of physical life lies only with the one who owns the body. Yet my life goes on and the glory my God has given me seems far beyond what I deserve.
I wish to share my tremendous joy and unending love with you in a more wonderful way than I would ever have dreamed possible. Now that I am free I can love you more purely and creatively. There have been times when each of you as our children have not received what you really needed from me in words or in actions. Because of the great glory God has bestowed on me I have been granted a small window of your linear time, but an eternity in mine, to give you now what you did not receive as children. I ask you to let me take your inner child and re-parent him/her. I will say the words that were never said that you needed to hear and rescue where you weren't rescued. I can be in great joy doing this forever here in eternity. You will all come into your glory even before you leave your bodies when your inner child is healed. I invite you to intend forgiveness for yourself and for me in your hearts as you let me re-parent your inner child. Please share with me what you need to hear most and I will respond. Know that I love each of you always and always will. I will always be there for you.
I am so happy to be granted this special grace of being the Mother I have struggled to be and even more. Do not think there is any blame or shame connected with this blessing. All there is, is glory.
Now that I am here I know there is never a need to worry. Do not worry yourselves. Enjoy life to its fullest and it is full beyond what you can even imagine. You are my treasure and I am very proud of each of you. Know that my joy is complete.
The second blessings I am granted at this time are healing for the family wound in our sexuality. Receive this blessing while holding again forgiveness for yourself and your parents and heredity. You have all brought this gift about for us by the amazing lives you are living and the great healings you have already given yourselves.
The third set of blessings I am granted is to shower you with the graces to bring your dreams and wishes to reality. Make your wishes consciously in verbal and written word. Bring them to me always and I will facilitate the graces as much as you are able to allow on your journey. Know that your abundance is beyond what you can know. Stay open to receiving.
I am in great joy and glory. Do not weep for me, but for yourselves when you need. Tears and grief are part of your process and not mine any more. I hold you all in my heart and these blessings for you will always be my greatest joy along with the incredible joys beyond the vale.
Your loving and devoted Mother
In 10 days it will be the 3rd Anniversary of my Mom's passing into her glorious new space. I was searching in my bookcase and found a letter my Mom asked me write to my many brothers and sisters the night before her funeral. As I reread this beautiful letter flowing with Mother love I felt compelled to share it with all of you who may have lost a Mother. I see and feel healing flowing from my Mom's letter to all of you. It seems as though now she has joined with all the MOther's she is with as the voices emanating from her letter. I see you flowing in rivers of peace, love and joy as you read this letter.
To My Beloved Children
"MOtherhood: All love begins and ends here." ~Robert Browning~
You are all my life and love as you well know. You are not cause for my passing. I now know I chose this passing all by myself. The body ceases to function when it can no longer hold the secrets we demand it holds. The secrets slowly poison our bodies. The responsibility for the cessation of physical life lies only with the one who owns the body. Yet my life goes on and the glory my God has given me seems far beyond what I deserve.
I wish to share my tremendous joy and unending love with you in a more wonderful way than I would ever have dreamed possible. Now that I am free I can love you more purely and creatively. There have been times when each of you as our children have not received what you really needed from me in words or in actions. Because of the great glory God has bestowed on me I have been granted a small window of your linear time, but an eternity in mine, to give you now what you did not receive as children. I ask you to let me take your inner child and re-parent him/her. I will say the words that were never said that you needed to hear and rescue where you weren't rescued. I can be in great joy doing this forever here in eternity. You will all come into your glory even before you leave your bodies when your inner child is healed. I invite you to intend forgiveness for yourself and for me in your hearts as you let me re-parent your inner child. Please share with me what you need to hear most and I will respond. Know that I love each of you always and always will. I will always be there for you.
I am so happy to be granted this special grace of being the Mother I have struggled to be and even more. Do not think there is any blame or shame connected with this blessing. All there is, is glory.
Now that I am here I know there is never a need to worry. Do not worry yourselves. Enjoy life to its fullest and it is full beyond what you can even imagine. You are my treasure and I am very proud of each of you. Know that my joy is complete.
The second blessings I am granted at this time are healing for the family wound in our sexuality. Receive this blessing while holding again forgiveness for yourself and your parents and heredity. You have all brought this gift about for us by the amazing lives you are living and the great healings you have already given yourselves.
The third set of blessings I am granted is to shower you with the graces to bring your dreams and wishes to reality. Make your wishes consciously in verbal and written word. Bring them to me always and I will facilitate the graces as much as you are able to allow on your journey. Know that your abundance is beyond what you can know. Stay open to receiving.
I am in great joy and glory. Do not weep for me, but for yourselves when you need. Tears and grief are part of your process and not mine any more. I hold you all in my heart and these blessings for you will always be my greatest joy along with the incredible joys beyond the vale.
Your loving and devoted Mother
Thursday, November 17, 2005
Thursday Nov. 16
Hi, everyone,
I am so excited today because I am doing such a great job on getting my forgiveness and gratitude CD ready to record. This is amazing to me to be so close and having accomplished so much. I am also so grateful to my colleague Jana Jopson for editing and giving me valuable direction and support in this process. You can visit Jana and get to know her at her website www.craftingcontentwithspirit.com
I have mexican jumping beans inside of me because I also contacted Rick Jarow by phone today to discuss doing a teleseminar book club with his new book "The Alchemy of Abundance". I love that I am stretching myself so much and connecting with support people and new partnerships. Seeing you all excitedly journeying adventurously and joyously through your own lives.
I am so excited today because I am doing such a great job on getting my forgiveness and gratitude CD ready to record. This is amazing to me to be so close and having accomplished so much. I am also so grateful to my colleague Jana Jopson for editing and giving me valuable direction and support in this process. You can visit Jana and get to know her at her website www.craftingcontentwithspirit.com
I have mexican jumping beans inside of me because I also contacted Rick Jarow by phone today to discuss doing a teleseminar book club with his new book "The Alchemy of Abundance". I love that I am stretching myself so much and connecting with support people and new partnerships. Seeing you all excitedly journeying adventurously and joyously through your own lives.
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Nov. 15th journal
Hi, everyone,
Today it is raining and dreary and what a miracle! We live under many wonderful trees that are dropping their magnificent abundance of leaves in thick piles everywhere. I intend for this abundance of leaves to become an abundance of money flowing in our life. My husband, Rick, is reducing them to big bags of crushed leaves for the dump. So I am calling their energy to stay here and support us in creating the wonderful freedom and fun that comes with the abundance of lots of flowing money. Thank you leaves, I am so grateful!!!
I am in the process of creating a community coaching group called "Path of Spirit: Living the Spiritual Adventure." The community will offer bi-monthly large group coaching in a teleconference, an email group for connection, and small mastermind groups and a support buddy.. The people in the community will help shape and define the program. If you are interested in joining please email me at energecstasy@snet.net or call 1-860-443-0657. The first month is free and then it is $29/mo. This is an ongoing community experience.
I am also in the process of forming a weekly book club coaching teleclass. The book will be one of Neale Donald Walsh's books. We will meet once a week for 1&1/2 hrs. with discussion sharing of our experience of the book, thus a deeper experience happens, coaching, buddy support, centering meditation and a soul spa meditation at the end. Cost is $125 for 8wks, which is a great deal for such powerful support on living your spiritual journey. If you are interested in this offering please email me at energecstasy@snet.net or call 1-860-443-0657. Book club begins on January 11, 2006 at 12:00EST and/or January 10th 7:00PMEST.
I am really excited offering these programs and having fun putting them together.
Today it is raining and dreary and what a miracle! We live under many wonderful trees that are dropping their magnificent abundance of leaves in thick piles everywhere. I intend for this abundance of leaves to become an abundance of money flowing in our life. My husband, Rick, is reducing them to big bags of crushed leaves for the dump. So I am calling their energy to stay here and support us in creating the wonderful freedom and fun that comes with the abundance of lots of flowing money. Thank you leaves, I am so grateful!!!
I am in the process of creating a community coaching group called "Path of Spirit: Living the Spiritual Adventure." The community will offer bi-monthly large group coaching in a teleconference, an email group for connection, and small mastermind groups and a support buddy.. The people in the community will help shape and define the program. If you are interested in joining please email me at energecstasy@snet.net or call 1-860-443-0657. The first month is free and then it is $29/mo. This is an ongoing community experience.
I am also in the process of forming a weekly book club coaching teleclass. The book will be one of Neale Donald Walsh's books. We will meet once a week for 1&1/2 hrs. with discussion sharing of our experience of the book, thus a deeper experience happens, coaching, buddy support, centering meditation and a soul spa meditation at the end. Cost is $125 for 8wks, which is a great deal for such powerful support on living your spiritual journey. If you are interested in this offering please email me at energecstasy@snet.net or call 1-860-443-0657. Book club begins on January 11, 2006 at 12:00EST and/or January 10th 7:00PMEST.
I am really excited offering these programs and having fun putting them together.
Monday, November 14, 2005
Journal Nov. 14
Hi, everyone,
Isn't this amazing! When today began I never thought it would include starting my own blog! Isn't life wonderful! Today was my day to explore starting Community Coaching, InVestWorks, and creating blogs. I am magnificently expanded :)
I am really challenged today because my husband and I are waiting to here from a job interview he had last week. The excitement in my body is escalating and I am happy that I have a Chigong class tonight to use the energy for healing. My husband, Rick, was laid off from his consulting job in April. He has been driving a school bus and is now driving a limousine while applying all the time for another consulting job. Last week he was interviewed for one he really would love.
I am drumming, meditating, journaling, intending with Rick, getting support from others, assigning this to our couple inner team, getting support from the love portal, support from our home, envisioning it as being so, gratitude as being done and bursting with energy. More tomorrow.
Isn't this amazing! When today began I never thought it would include starting my own blog! Isn't life wonderful! Today was my day to explore starting Community Coaching, InVestWorks, and creating blogs. I am magnificently expanded :)
I am really challenged today because my husband and I are waiting to here from a job interview he had last week. The excitement in my body is escalating and I am happy that I have a Chigong class tonight to use the energy for healing. My husband, Rick, was laid off from his consulting job in April. He has been driving a school bus and is now driving a limousine while applying all the time for another consulting job. Last week he was interviewed for one he really would love.
I am drumming, meditating, journaling, intending with Rick, getting support from others, assigning this to our couple inner team, getting support from the love portal, support from our home, envisioning it as being so, gratitude as being done and bursting with energy. More tomorrow.
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