Hi, everyone,
We are still getting ready for Christmas but in my heart it is Christmas every moment. The Spirit of Christmas being love, joy, peace and abundance I know I choose the Spirit every moment of every day of the year. I invite you to choose too. Wrap yourself in a pink cloud of love, open to your true self of joy and breathe peace into your heart. It is your choice in every moment. The circumstances of your life are invitations to choose and create from Spirit. Remember "You can live as if everything is a miracle or as if nothing is a miracle." Allow everything to be a miracle this year in your life. Need some "Miracle Coaching"? I"m here to serve you joyfully.
The preparations for the book club "The Alchemy of Abundance" are proceeding very slowly. I guess it is because of the busyness of the holidays. I am waiting to hear from Sounds True, who is the publisher of the book, about advertising. If i don't hear soon I will proceed without them.
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