Saturday, December 09, 2006

Energecstasy presenting

Hi, everyone,

Rick, my husband, and I are on our way to "The Peaceful Warrior" movie. I am quite excited about him going with me. He is open to a lot more things lately that I love. I am so grateful. I am also grateful that he is going to be part of the "Couple Sparklings Day" we are putting on. This is a dream come true for me. Seeing all your dreams come true.


Looking for an Amazing Gift from your Heart to your Partner?

Looking to raise your Relationship to a higher level of Intimacy, Fun, Joy and Love?

You've found it!!

Contact us now for the most fabulous gift you will ever give your Beloved:

A Couple Sparklings Day.

The life you are waiting for is waiting for you!
Greet it together!!

Couple Sparklings Days include:

Play Time:
Cultivating a Spirit of Adventure

Co-creating and Experiencing an Abundant Life

Exploring Foods to Enrich your Relationship
Connection to Enrich your Spirit

Busting Loose and Consciously Evolving from Ego to Essence

Surprises!! ????????

****The next Couples Sparkling Day is being offered****

Saturday, April 14, 2007
Time: 9AM to 9 0r 10PM
Where: 45 Wintergreen Dr. Quaker Hill, Ct. 06375
Facilitators: Sharon Walker, OBT, MSLC and Emrys Tetu, HHC

Gratitude offering for the day is $300/couple.
Register now and pay $250/couple (through Valentine's Day).
Gift packaging and Priority mailing for your partner's
personalized welcome packet are included.

Call 860-443-0657 to register or use paypal at

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Offering Couple Sparklings Day

Blessings everyone,

I keep thinking I will keep up with this journaling, but life just sweeps me away. I am growing like a fast moving train. Life is so amazing, challenging and abundant. Here is my latest offering for couples/partners of all sorts.

Looking for an amazing gift from your heart to your partner this Christmas? Looking to raise your relationship to a higher level of intimacy, fun, joy and love? This is it!! The most fabulous gift you will ever give your beloved.

The life you are waiting for is waiting to happen

Join us for a "Couple Sparklings" Day.

Bust Loose and consciously evolve into a new way to co-create and experience an abundant life: movement From ego to essence

What these days can include:

cultivate a spirit of adventure, feel grand aliveness

Bust Loose and consciously evolve from ego to essence

co-create and experience an
abundant life


use food to enhance your relationship

When: April 14th, 2007
Where: my beautiful house on the water
45 Wintergreen Dr. Quaker Hill, Ct.
Who: for couples of all sorts
Facilitator: Sharon Walker, OBT, MSLC and Emrys Tetu, Wholistic Wellness Counselor
Gratitude offering: for the day is $300/couple. Register by Valentine’s Day and pay $250/couple.
Call 860-443-0657 to register or use paypal at

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Talk about expansion!!

Hi, everyone,

Wow!! My life is so full of magnificent expansion that I love even watching myself in it. I just finished Barbara Marx Hubbard's course, "7 Codes of Self Evolution". It was magnificent itself, as is Barbara. She is definitely a gift to our planet.

I always think I am going to post to this blogspot every day and then life carries me away. It is carrying me away to great places of expansion and self evolution. This last few weeks I have been definitely challenged in my relationship with Rick, my husband of 41 years. I was telling myself the story that we were headed for separation. Who knows, someday we might be. I am learning to let go of expectations and let Spirit work the magic of co-creation. I'm guessing that is an excellent choice for everyone on this planet to move through all of our infinite number of quagmires.

Last week I decided to follow my essential self advice and walk backwards into my time space continuum - back to the white light and connection to the Divine Source. Then I wrapped the white light of Source around me and walked back into daily life space. Now I was being fed energetically by Source. Suddenly I didn't need any energy from anyone, only connection with the Divine. What a freedom! I also let go of having expectations! I say what I choose for my life and how I choose to feel and let go. Another great freedom!! Now I haven't tied Spirit's hands and the magic begins!

I have learned that all relationships are energy playgrounds. We are each looking for energy (answers) from each other instead of looking within. We play all kinds of games to get this energy. Some are called poor me (that is mine), some interrogator (I can use this one too), talk in circles so the other gives up, and many more.....

Suddenly Rick brought me not one, but two bouquets of flowers, went to two of my qigong classes as an observer, invited me to come back to Rochester with him when I had planned to stay in CT this week, got a book on CD by Andrew Weil on 8 days to wellness (we listened to this on our ride back to Rochester), asked to go for walks with me after work for exercise and hasn't played any energy games all week. Rick has only gone to one other of my qigong classes in two years. He has been doing nothing for his health lately. As far as I know he has never read a book on wellness. He has rarely brought me flowers. For the last few weeks he has been playing lots of energy games with me and I getting hooked into them and playing them right back. All of this happening without a word from me. What beauty!! I am full of overflowing love for myself and Rick with no strings attached. I am on my road to being an evolutionary woman.

Today someone called me and asked me to be a presenter at a woman's health fair. I was thinking all morning I didn't really know what direction to go in for my business lately. I asked my essential to guide me today. Suddenly I am connected to a fabulous venue for me to work with transformation and evolutionary women consciousness. All morning I have been discovering ways to follow this path in my business.

First thing this morning I didn't know any steps to take. I only knew how I choose to feel every day in my business and my life. I choose an aliveness that is amazing, like nothing I have every felt begore June of this year. I choose lots of fun, miracles abounding, joy unlimited and full of mischievousness. What do you choose for your life? What is your life purpose? Are you ready for expansion? How do you choose for your primary to feel?

I decided to put together a "Couple Sparklings" retreat for fun, expansion, ecstasy and ????? What has Spirit got in store for all those who attend? I think it will be April somewhere around Waterford, CT. Let me know if you are interested.

Warmly in Spirit,

Thursday, July 27, 2006

more on Melchizedek Method

Hi, everyone,

Here is more information on the Melchizedek Workshop I will be doing in August.

I absolutely love presenting these workshops. The fun, joy, creative bliss and spiritual empowerment enjoyed by everyone in this workshop is truly invigorating and life transforming. The giftedness of finding such an inspiring, uplifting and empowering way to "be" who we really are belongs to all of us. It is my bliss to be of service to the planet in such a way. These cosmic principles belong to all of us.

The Melchizedek Method Level One and Level Two is a four day course that teaches and practically demonstrates a revolutionary new form of physical, emotional, mental, etheric and spiritual healing, age-reversal and light body activation. Holographic healing and rejuvenation is a skill all human beings will practice in the future, according to Thoth, and will be instrumental in ridding this planet of illness and disease. The Melchizedek Method is preventative as well as curative.

Level One lays the foundational understanding for all levels that follow. The Hologram of Love Merkaba is introduced, a rotating light field awakening your spherical consciousness. Once activated, the merkaba assists us in accessing our naturally ascended consciousness state; the healing capabilities of a practitioner are enhanced and cosmic wisdom becomes available.

Melchizedek Method Level Two introduces the Orbital Holographic Merkaba of Love Light Body. The techniques reveal a quantum leap in evolution, empowering healers and individuals interested in self harmony alike with advanced tools to tune and heal their physical vehicles. Practitioners of the Melchizedek Method are able to more than ever prepare for their journey of service to humankind as well as their own personal Ascension.
Level One and Two combine the ancient wisdoms of Egypt, Mayan, Hebrew and the Kabbalah.The workshop includes the instructions and practice of all phases of The Melchizedek Method. Each person becomes a never before experienced expression of oneness. Each graduate is then able to direct, teach and incorporate all phases of The Melchizedek Method into their own private healing sessions. On completing this course you will receive a certificate blessed and honored during a ceremony by Lord Melchizedek. Everyone on the planet may benefit from this class. Everyone learns to heal themselves and family, friends, and/or clients. Everyone learns powerful meditation practices with the Merkabas that can heal our planet as well. Everyone raises their vibration and light capacity enormously resulting in greater wisdom, healing, enlightenment, creativity and cosmic fun.Class format will include lecture as well as a great deal of experiencing everything learned. Many incredible initiations and meditations are included. Body movement is included as well for the integration of knowledge and experiences because they are so profound. At the completion of the course everyone will receive their certificates of completion and will be certified practitioners of Melchizedek. The workshop runs for three days from 9:00 to 5:00 on August 8,9 and 10, 2006. Cost is $444

July 27 Be still and know you are God

Hi, Everyone,

Taking time today to be still and know that I am God. In the stillness meeting my True Self and immersing myself in her essence. I invite you to a sacred space inside yourself and to allow yourself to "Be still and know you are God". What is your True Self like? Mine is immense, majestic, powerful without needing to use power, magnificent, silence, glorious beauty, all knowing, constantly co-creating, loving beyond the words, peace beyond all understanding and I am still exploring her.

Sit in the presence of your own True Self, the Divine essence within you and meet yourself, feel yourself. During this "be still"time do not act, but journal. Let go of doing even if this brings up anxiety for you. Rest in the arms of your own belovedness instead and journal about the experience. Actions will flow from this state.


Wednesday, July 26, 2006

July 26,2006

Hi, everyone,

I am so grateful for all of you out there. Sending you lots of love and gentle vibrations of light. Remember to forgive yourself and tell yourself "I love you" every day. :) I have found that looking in the mirror and telling yourself "I love you" changes your whole life and everyone around you.

In fact, I just read a true story about a Hawaiian master who went to a very unpopular prison ward in his country. He went through the records of each prison and took the responsibility of knowing that each one of the prisoners were a reflection of himself in some way. He healed himself by saying "I'm sorry" to himself (forgiving himself for whatever each prisoner was showing him about himself). Then he said "I love you" to himself in relation to each prisoner as representing himself. That ward is now closed because every prisoner was healed and the prison workers are happy and show up happy every day to work in the remaining prison. Just think about how amazing our planet would become if we all did the same thing with the people who show up in our lives every day and with the circumstances, such as terrorism, that show up on our planet every day. Reading that story today really pushed me into new spaces.

I am also taking a program with Barbara Marx Hubbard "The 7 codes of Self Evolution". Choosing to be my true potential self is an amazing experience to be walking through. We are all using this process to write our own new "Bible" for our life from the space of our true potential self.

I also am realizing that Rick, my husband, and I are weaving a whole new way of life. With Rick working in Rochester, NY and us living in Quaker Hill, CT. the weaving is actually taking place physically as well.

We married very young and just celebrated our 41st wedding anniversary. Our spending time alone and then together, alone and then together, is weaving a new energy garment for our relationship. We are learning who we are individually now that the children are out in the world. Then we get back together and weave that new energy into our relationship and see what we come up with. I never would of thought of such an experience on my own. Spirit is so incredible and life is so amazing!

Talk again soon,
With love,

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

July 19, 2006 more catching up

Blessings to everyone,

Last month Rick (my husband) and I went on a fabulous couples retreat in Virginia with Jean-Pierre LaBlanc. It was the most fun, healing, empowering experience. At the very end I rode a zip line that was 150' high and 900' long. I was terrified, but with the help of everyone there at the retreat and my own courage, I finally took the step out into the air and I was off. I loved every minute of it and can't wait to do it again. "I can fly" is my motto after that. It really brought me to a whole new level inside myself.

ON Saturday night of the retreat the men gave the "Goddesses" a party. They told us to write out all of our requests for the party and they would take care of it. And did they ever! They followed through and delivered on every request with joy, enthusiasm, creativity, gentleness, and love.

One woman asked for a gondola ride:) The men brought in a kayak and paddle. They helped her gracefully into the boat and pretended to paddle while others picked the boat up and walked around the room singing "Oh Solo Mio" to her. It was amazing and wonderful to experience.

I asked to have a ceremony to make my husband my knight in shining armor. They introduced him as King Richard and gave me a boat paddle to use as my sword while Rick knelt down in front of me and I dubbed Sir Richard, my knight in shining armor. After the party he took me to the men's lodge for the night. It was so wonderful I felt like I was 19 again and just got married. I realized how full of mischief and life bubbling up in me I am. I really was able to be myself in many ways that weekend. I even did Goddess dancing to chanting after we did morning exercise and meditation. I can still feel the energy, joy, freedom and love of the weekend.

More tomorrow,

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

a new beginning

Blessings everyone,

Wow! It has been a long time since I have updated this blog. I have been in a new expansion era of my life. My husband got a consulting job in Rochester, NY. We live in Quaker Hill, CT. So I have been back and forth a lot which has put my whole life in superchange. Also things are challenging me to look at where I choose to go with my business.

I am excitedly offering:
a Melchizedek Method workshop Level 1 & 2
When: on August 8, 9 and 10, 2006.
Where: my gorgeous home (bring your bathing suit) 45 Wintergreen Dr. Quaker Hill, CT
Time: from 9 to 5PM
Facilitator: Sharon Walker
Cost: $444 includes workbook - $150 deposit (PLease send to my home address)
Register: by phone 860-443-0657 or email: or Paypal on website

Questions joyfully answered, just call :)

Also continuing to offer "Complimentary Spirituality for 12 Steppers" on Wednesday evenings in my home. Next date is August 2, 2006. Please call to register 860-443-0657. These are $25/evening when I am able to schedule because of my moving back and forth between Rochester and CT. We experience great fun and support. In August we will cover more of the movie "The Secret" , Emotional Freedom Technique, life event design, personal requests, and much more... could be a "Spirit surprise":)

My life's journey in the last months has taken me on many turns. I am finally settling in to the moving back and forth, having seemingly different lives, living alone and living with Rick, accepting what part of me has interpreted as failure and moving on in powerful fashion. I am now taking a course with Barbara Marx Hubbard "7 Codes of Self Evolution". It is fantastic and I am understanding more completely what is going on in my life. :)

Many miracles, blessings and joys I see opening into your lives. I'll write more tomorrow.


Wednesday, May 17, 2006

manifestations May 17, 2006

Wow!! It has been a long time since I updated this blog because my life has taken off in a whirlwind! I have been from Florida to CT to NYCity to CT to Rochester, NY to State College Pennsylvania and back to Rochester in the last month. Tomorrow I go back to CT. I have learned a lot about energy management on the move!!!!!!!!!

My husband gratefully got a consulting job in Rochester and now we are back and forth between Rochester, NY and Quaker Hill, CT. I am finding moving around being very uncentering and I need to use my energy management in whole new ways for balance and connection with myself and Spirit. Today I feel like I finally figured out what I needed and how to play with all this.

I discovered I need to sit with myself, my body, my spirit and sink deep inside and listen, just listen for a long time. The more chaotic my life gets the longer I need to listen. I don't hear words, I just listen to my being and honor myself. Then I forgive myself for not listening and for the times I listen and don't pay attention. I forgive myself for being scared to listen and know what I know. I forgive myself for not allowing myself to know what I know. I forgive myself for not connecting. Then I proceed to gratitude. I am grateful for myself and my amazing spirit. I am grateful for how I have already taken care of myself. I am grateful to my body for sustaining me through these stressful times. I forgive myself for allowing myself to be so stressed. I am grateful for my wisdom that seems to be escaping me now and I choose to reconnect with it. I appreciate my old patterns and how beautifully they have served me. I am grateful to my ability to create new patterns that serve me on this new journey. I am grateful for my courage and my fear. I am grateful for letting go of needing to understand and be in control. I am grateful for ease, grace and effortlessness when I let go. I am grateful that I have new insights that make a game out of life and enjoy the adventure. I am grateful for all the support I don't even realize I have. I forgive myself for not acknowledging support from earth, animals, air, water, angels, Divine Essence, the masters and the list goes on. I keep on going, the longer the better with gratitude and forgiveness. Slowly I am in a whole new space of freedom, joy, appreciation, support, letting go. Now comes the creativity seeping into my being. I am home!


Friday, April 07, 2006

Healing the Heart of the World

Hi, everyone,

Blessings and miracles for your day!!

Wow!! My life is exploding everywhere. My husband got a consulting job finally after a year of stretching financially until we were about to break. The job is 7 hrs. away from our home. So the challenges and decisions are many. I am learning a whole new way of life. Next week I will be going to Rochester for the week with him. He has found an apartment that sounds wonderful for us to live in when I am there. I will be living in two different places unless eventually we decide to move. The per diem will pay for our second place. Wow!! So much excitement. AND I miss Rick a lot, which I am learning to love that feeling also.

The first day Rick left I dropped my car keys into a sewer drain and they fell down 12ft. into water. What an electric 24 hrs. till I miraculously got my keys back and they still worked after sitting in water all night. The Saab dealer had told me they wouldn't work even if I got them back. If I had not gotten them back it was going to cost us $1500 to redo all the electronics security system in the car etc, etc. I was pretty crazy at first without a car, a husband or any of my family available at the time. But folks, I did it with crazy and grace flowing back and forth!! I am so grateful for all those who helped me and certainly for the angels helping me and for my spiritual life coaching training when I could allow myself to access the tremendous power I have there.

The "Healing the HEart Book club" interview with Dawson Church is April 12th at 11:30am EST. The interview is free and will be wonderful. We are moving into the time when GAia will be the experience of Heaven on Earth and this is one of vibrational co-creations to bring that about. Join us and be healed personally and empowered while we walk into the wholeness of the heart of the planet. to register email: or call 860-443-0657 You can find more information at and click on Healing the Heart

The Healing the Heart book club will follow the interview. It promises to be amazing with 19 authors spending time with us. How blessed to spend time with these beautiful visionaries and healers, be healed and expanded yourself, receive new vision for our lives and be of service to everyone else and the planet at the same time. You will give yourself extreme self care, fun, connection, new life and lots of loving from everyone.

WHEN: Tuesdays - April 18th, (no class on April 25), May 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, June 6, 13 and 20th
TIME: From 7 to 8:30 pm EST
WHERE: Teleconference bridge (receive when register)
FACILITATORS: Sharon Walker, Lee Riddell, selected authors.
COST: $197 includes MP3’s of each session (10% to charity)

From the core of their hearts to the core of the world’s heart, the authors of “Healing the Heart of the World” explore the issues and inspirations that lie at the center of the dilemmas facing humankind on the cusp of becoming a planetary species. Drawing on a rich variety of backgrounds, they offer the hard-won nuggets of wisdom they have discovered. Here are visionary ideas that point the way to a sane, hopeful and sustainable future. Their anthology is a mandala of conscious evolution we can choose to participate in. ( for explanation of mandalas)

Meet and co-create with the authors - people who create miracles every day: Randy Peyser, Fred Luskin, David Lewis, Anodea Judith, Kimberly Weichel, Amy Racina, Fred Mitouer, Edward Mills, Zhi Gang Sha, Susan Schachterle, Bruce Lipton, Dawson Church, Allan Hardman, Gabriel Cousens, Alan Davidson, Catriona MacGregor. Website for links to authors:
Work with mandalas and your own Shamans/Spirit Coaches, Sharon and Lee
Where evolution is taking the human species – become proactive in our own destiny
Techniques for expressing your highest wisdom in work, relationships and the world
How God and science are converging
How to tune into a spirituality that is filled with passion
Women’s revolutionary roles, and how they create peace
How traditional healthcare is becoming obsolete
Transformative possibilities of future energy sources and much more…..

June 20th will be a solstice celebration and co-created healing rituals for our World. Many of our authors will participate with us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YOUR FACILITATORS: Sharon Walker is a Master Spiritual Life Coach, acupressure therapist, teleclass leader, Melchizedek Method facilitator, member of the ECBP group and author with a focus on raising the planetary vibrations to experience Heaven on Earth for everyone NOW. You can learn more at her website,,
Lee Riddell is an associate director of a national leadership institute with expertise in designing and delivering programs via distance learning. As a Shaman, Lee works with energy medicine, at the level of the light body before things become physical, to assist individuals in transforming old patterns, and aligning their dreams and energies with that of the earth. Lee is also a reporter for the Positive News US and lives in a spiritual retreat center in upstate New York. For individual shamanic sessions via the phone email Lee at

Here is the mandala we are using for the book club.

These are the rooms in the mandala which were inspired by Rick Jarow's "The Alchemy of Abundance"
Dissolution & Return
Hearts on Fire

♥ The Heart is in the center of the mandala

Here are the seven sections of the book used as seven circles coming out from the center of the mandala's heart.

Radical Healing
Cultural Earthquake
Engaging With Nature
Empowered Other Action
Passionate Spirituality
Emerging Scientific Revolution

Thursday, March 16, 2006

March 16 getting ready for liftoff

Blessings and miracles this day,

Wow!! We are in pre lift off for "Healing the Heart of the World" book club. I am so excited and everything is literally "running" smoothly. I have a partner, Lee Riddell, and we are learning how to move with ease, grace and love together. For me, this is BIG because I am programmed to do it myself, even with my husband. What a gift the Universe is giving me to transcend that pattern. This is a ground breaking experience for me and my business.

We have 14 authors from the book so far attending the teleconferences. They are all amazing and we are so honored to have them participate with us. June 20th will be a Solstice Celebration for Healing the World Heart with mandalas, meditations, rituals etc.

The free interview with Dawson Church is April 12 at 11:30 am EST. Dawson is the editor, publisher of the anthology we are using "Healing the Heart of the World". Lee and I will be facilitating this interview. PLease email me at to register and receive the teleconference bridge #. YOu can visit for the flyer. It might not be up until next week.

The book club "Healing the Heart of the World" is from April 18, (no class on April 25), May 2, May 9, May 16, May 23, May 31, June 6, JUne 13, June 20. The cost is $197 and includes MP3's of the whole teleconference. You will also need to get the book "Healing the Heart of the Planet and can order that from my website if you wish. Each session will cover 5 authors' chapters and some authors will be participating at each session. We will have the schedule on the website soon. There will also be questions from the authors, participants posting questions on the egroup for the book club and other exciting things happening. You will be hanging out with amazing visionaries and healers and supporting their work on our planet and creating your own planetary journey. The MP3's will be for sale to non-participants for $197 also. You can register online or email me or

Folks this is one of my BIG dreams coming true!! The book club I am just finishing next week "The Alchemy of Abundance" has immensely contributed to this miracle. I invite you to read the book and practice the "Mandala of Manifestation". It is not only beautiful, it is powerful!! Rick Jarow has done an amazing work. Seeing all of your dreams manifesting. I coach with individuals and groups for manifesting and much more......



Saturday, February 25, 2006

Feb. 25 cherishing life

Blessings and miracles to you this day!

Life is exploding my days lately. I had the most traumatic experience of my life in an afternoon last week and then taught an amazing, wonderful, profound workshop three hours later. I went from frozen in trauma to bliss through energy management and Goddess support from my women friends. One very powerful suggestion I can make when you experience traumatic events in relationships is to go back to discovering the sacred contracts you each have in the relationship. We all make sacred contracts when in spirit form before we are birthed here as spirit/humans. When we see and react to our experiences from only our human knowing we miss the BIG picture and many powerful miracles.

The Alchemy of Abundance book club is moving magnificently along into many experiences of abundance for everyone. People are shifting their interpretation of abundance in huge energetic leaps. I now feel a strong tree growing inside of me named abundance. Every moment I choose the type of abundance it is providing for me. This tree is thrilled to be so prolific in my honor. And it is coming from inside of me. How incredibly powerful we are!!!

The interview with Dawson Church for "Healing the Heart of the World" upcoming book club is now set for April 12 th at 11:30 AM EST. Dawson is very excited about our vision for the book club to follow the interview and totally in support of it. All of the healers are being invited to participate during the week we discuss their chapter in the book. I see and feel the power and excitement and heart healing emanating from this book's energy and the book club. You are magnificent beyond your wildest dreams and will experience yourself that way in this book club. More information to come on this.


Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Feb. 15th Happy Valentine's Day - it's everyday

Hi, Everyone,

I am still celebrating wonderful, amazing Valentine's Day!! Sending you hearts of love flowing down and embracing you every day all year long.

The Alchemy of Abundance is absolutely amazing! Last night was our fourth class and was phenomenal. This week we worked with and all of experienced the challenges to the alchemy of abundance. Time, aligned use of will and power, ambiguity and disappointment may all become gifts of contrast to the destination of abundance. When applying the principles of alchemy they become the gifts that alchemically become abundance.

We explored the idea around misaligned power and will being the times we deny, block and refuse to acknowledge we have power and become the victim. Thus setting up a challenge to abundance. Looking at the gift of your power and aligning it with the will of love, transformation and inspiration to create is essential in the alchemy of abundance. Where are you in relationship with your power?

Today after looking at my own power I am flowing an abundance tree from the very center of my being which proliferates money, love, success, tranformation, joy, right relationships and anything I choose. Wow! What fun!!!


Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Healing the Heart of the World

Hi, everyone,

During my quiet time this morning I was reading a chapter of "Healing the Heart of the World". The author of the particle chapter I read believes we are in the process of birthing a new humanity and so do I. He brought out for me that I believe we are calling ourselves to birth ourselves out of an ecstatic birthing process. In ecstatic birthing the labor is experienced in such deep connection with our "I amness" that the labor is pain free. It seems to me that if we are birthing the new humanity that it needs to come from a different labor experience also. We have already been birthed by pain, horror, separation, fear, and all that goes with that type of labor. Let's intend to experience birthing our new humanity in the glory of our beingness and perfect bliss.

I never thought such a thing was possible until I read Christianne Northrup's book "women's bodies, women's wisdom". She has a chapter on labor and delivery that blew my mind. At the time I was doing acupressure with my daughter during her pregnancy. Two weeks before she went into labor, without knowing it, she and I both read Christianne's description of ecstatic birthing on the same night. I assisted her in the labor room doing acupressure to witness an ecstatic birth. My daughter looked up at me with her newborn son and said, "Mom, it was just like the book." It had been her and my intention that such an experience happen and it did. When you don't even know such a thing can happen, you expect what you know. What if we expect the new human to be born in an ecstatic birth process?

Another insight from my morning's quiet time is that this year I am dedicating my year to being in touch with the soul of the world. Last year I was dedicated to being in touch with my own soul. I brought my inner child into the portal of love connection with the soul of everyone on the planet. I invited her to play with all the children of the world in this portal of love connection. I saw the children weaving the world's soul love connection into the beautiful new pattern of the new humanity. They danced and played and wove cultures, traditions, religions, countries, governments, societies, earth, sky, water, air, healings, families, stars, planets, possessions, ideas, creativity, blessings, EVERYTHING and EVERYONE into the space of the new humanity. Until I experienced this I had forgotten that it is the child and inner children that are the creators. I had thought of healing the individual inner children of the world, but never having the children together weave the very fabric of the new earth and the new human. Amazing!!

I really had an amazingly productive quiet time today. I think it must have come out of realizing that I literally am sleeping in the bed/lap of luxury. In the book club I am doing "the Alchemy of Abundance" we had an assignment to notice all of the substances in our lives in their alive Divine nature. When doing this assignment I realized how much energy my house furniture gives me and how it serves me and that it is alive. So when I went to bed I literally talked with my bed and allowed it to become what it really is and give me that during my sleep. Actually my bed is about the most expensive bed on this earth and I never gave it credit for being the bed of luxury. So last night I slept consciously and gratefully in the bed of luxury and the depth of the Divine lover. I intended to have only thoughts and dreams and experiences in sleep from that space of abundance and unconditional love and joy. I can't wait to see what the rest of my day will be like. I am so grateful for the way I have begun and the way I slept. Amazing grace!!

Have a wonderful new consciousness day,