Hi, everyone,
Blessings and miracles for your day!!
Wow!! My life is exploding everywhere. My husband got a consulting job finally after a year of stretching financially until we were about to break. The job is 7 hrs. away from our home. So the challenges and decisions are many. I am learning a whole new way of life. Next week I will be going to Rochester for the week with him. He has found an apartment that sounds wonderful for us to live in when I am there. I will be living in two different places unless eventually we decide to move. The per diem will pay for our second place. Wow!! So much excitement. AND I miss Rick a lot, which I am learning to love that feeling also.
The first day Rick left I dropped my car keys into a sewer drain and they fell down 12ft. into water. What an electric 24 hrs. till I miraculously got my keys back and they still worked after sitting in water all night. The Saab dealer had told me they wouldn't work even if I got them back. If I had not gotten them back it was going to cost us $1500 to redo all the electronics security system in the car etc, etc. I was pretty crazy at first without a car, a husband or any of my family available at the time. But folks, I did it with crazy and grace flowing back and forth!! I am so grateful for all those who helped me and certainly for the angels helping me and for my spiritual life coaching training when I could allow myself to access the tremendous power I have there.
The "Healing the HEart Book club" interview with Dawson Church is April 12th at 11:30am EST. The interview is free and will be wonderful. We are moving into the time when GAia will be the experience of Heaven on Earth and this is one of vibrational co-creations to bring that about. Join us and be healed personally and empowered while we walk into the wholeness of the heart of the planet. to register email:
energecstasy@snet.net or call 860-443-0657 You can find more information at
www.energecstasy.com and click on Healing the Heart
The Healing the Heart book club will follow the interview. It promises to be amazing with 19 authors spending time with us. How blessed to spend time with these beautiful visionaries and healers, be healed and expanded yourself, receive new vision for our lives and be of service to everyone else and the planet at the same time. You will give yourself extreme self care, fun, connection, new life and lots of loving from everyone.
WHEN: Tuesdays - April 18th, (no class on April 25), May 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, June 6, 13 and 20th
TIME: From 7 to 8:30 pm EST
WHERE: Teleconference bridge (receive when register)
FACILITATORS: Sharon Walker, Lee Riddell, selected authors.
COST: $197 includes MP3’s of each session (10% to charity)
From the core of their hearts to the core of the world’s heart, the authors of “Healing the Heart of the World” explore the issues and inspirations that lie at the center of the dilemmas facing humankind on the cusp of becoming a planetary species. Drawing on a rich variety of backgrounds, they offer the hard-won nuggets of wisdom they have discovered. Here are visionary ideas that point the way to a sane, hopeful and sustainable future. Their anthology is a mandala of conscious evolution we can choose to participate in. (http://sublime-dezine.com/colorpoint/mandala.htm for explanation of mandalas)
Meet and co-create with the authors - people who create miracles every day: Randy Peyser, Fred Luskin, David Lewis, Anodea Judith, Kimberly Weichel, Amy Racina, Fred Mitouer, Edward Mills, Zhi Gang Sha, Susan Schachterle, Bruce Lipton, Dawson Church, Allan Hardman, Gabriel Cousens, Alan Davidson, Catriona MacGregor. Website for links to authors:
Work with mandalas and your own Shamans/Spirit Coaches, Sharon and Lee
Where evolution is taking the human species – become proactive in our own destiny
Techniques for expressing your highest wisdom in work, relationships and the world
How God and science are converging
How to tune into a spirituality that is filled with passion
Women’s revolutionary roles, and how they create peace
How traditional healthcare is becoming obsolete
Transformative possibilities of future energy sources and much more…..
June 20th will be a solstice celebration and co-created healing rituals for our World. Many of our authors will participate with us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YOUR FACILITATORS: Sharon Walker is a Master Spiritual Life Coach, acupressure therapist, teleclass leader, Melchizedek Method facilitator, member of the ECBP group and author with a focus on raising the planetary vibrations to experience Heaven on Earth for everyone NOW. You can learn more at her website
www.thebuzzonspirit.comLee Riddell is an associate director of a national leadership institute with expertise in designing and delivering programs via distance learning. As a Shaman, Lee works with energy medicine, at the level of the light body before things become physical, to assist individuals in transforming old patterns, and aligning their dreams and energies with that of the earth. Lee is also a reporter for the Positive News US
www.positivenewsus.org/ and lives in a spiritual retreat center in upstate New York. For individual shamanic sessions via the phone email Lee at
Here is the mandala we are using for the book club.
These are the rooms in the mandala which were inspired by Rick Jarow's "The Alchemy of Abundance"
Dissolution & Return
Hearts on Fire
♥ The Heart is in the center of the mandala
Here are the seven sections of the book used as seven circles coming out from the center of the mandala's heart.
Radical Healing
Cultural Earthquake
Engaging With Nature
Empowered Other Action
Passionate Spirituality
Emerging Scientific Revolution