Tuesday, July 18, 2006

a new beginning

Blessings everyone,

Wow! It has been a long time since I have updated this blog. I have been in a new expansion era of my life. My husband got a consulting job in Rochester, NY. We live in Quaker Hill, CT. So I have been back and forth a lot which has put my whole life in superchange. Also things are challenging me to look at where I choose to go with my business.

I am excitedly offering:
a Melchizedek Method workshop Level 1 & 2
When: on August 8, 9 and 10, 2006.
Where: my gorgeous home (bring your bathing suit) 45 Wintergreen Dr. Quaker Hill, CT
Time: from 9 to 5PM
Facilitator: Sharon Walker
Cost: $444 includes workbook - $150 deposit (PLease send to my home address)
Register: by phone 860-443-0657 or email: energecstasy@snet.net or Paypal on website

Questions joyfully answered, just call :)

Also continuing to offer "Complimentary Spirituality for 12 Steppers" on Wednesday evenings in my home. Next date is August 2, 2006. Please call to register 860-443-0657. These are $25/evening when I am able to schedule because of my moving back and forth between Rochester and CT. We experience great fun and support. In August we will cover more of the movie "The Secret" , Emotional Freedom Technique, life event design, personal requests, and much more... could be a "Spirit surprise":)

My life's journey in the last months has taken me on many turns. I am finally settling in to the moving back and forth, having seemingly different lives, living alone and living with Rick, accepting what part of me has interpreted as failure and moving on in powerful fashion. I am now taking a course with Barbara Marx Hubbard "7 Codes of Self Evolution". It is fantastic and I am understanding more completely what is going on in my life. :)

Many miracles, blessings and joys I see opening into your lives. I'll write more tomorrow.


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