Thursday, March 01, 2007

The Secret is God

Blessings everyone,

"The Secret" is God! We need to refigure who/what is God. I am the physical presence of God on the planet. You are the physical presence of God on the planet. The planet is the physical presence of God. There is nothing or no one who is separate from God. We live in God, God is us, We breathe God, We eat God, We clothe with God. We experience and participate in God's creations that are all already created. Our thoughts, emotions and ideas are what we use to participate in what already is here which is everything. I invite us all to become more conscious of being God in action experiencing what we are thinking and feeling and acting. "The Secret" is God. We are God in action and participation within us and through us.

Yesterday I had an amazing couple of meditations. First I experienced being the Divine Matrix that is an all enbracing flow, the web of energy consciousness of God that we all are a wrinkle in. I'm standing in this matrix with all that is flowing through me and my body is picking and choosing what I am receiving from the Matrix by the emotion receptors on the cells in my body. I can pick up any and all thoughts of God, any emotions, any ideas, anything in this Matrix through the language of my emotions attached to my cell receptors. I know I keep the same thoughts, beliefs, emotions over and over in this small part of the brain I use because my receptors are programmed to pick up the same things. OPening up and allowing myself to know I am God and I am the flow and all that is gives me an infinite field to move in. Fear keeps me small and separate from all that is.

The next meditation I had was meditating with Barbara Marx Hubbard's synergy circle for moving in the outward world. I picked the section on environment and infrastructure to meditate with. As I investigated what was falling apart I saw my whole internal infrastructure is falling apart in all areas of my being. Then I saw that outwardly in the environment all aspects of life and the planet are falling apart, all infrastructures of our societies too. I stood in that falling apart and channeled used one of my gifts. I channeled the energies and knowings of all my being, held them in non-judgmental space to realign in a new union and let them move to bring me a brand new energy. Then Spirit asked me to move into the very center of the synergy circle with others who have the same gift, with spirit beings that are supporting our highest creations of love and peace and joy. All of us were inside of earth and earth was our container and partner in the process. We channeled all the cultures, knowledge, secrets, relationships, from past, present and future, collected them non-judgmentally in the container of earth and let them reconfigure into new unions and sent the energy out to the whole circle. Wow! What fun and what power. We are the ones we have been waiting for. It is time to "be" who you are. Join those on the planet who are doing just that for support and allow your God giftedness to be used.

Have a great day!
IN great warmth and flow,

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