Wednesday, May 16, 2007

A new adventure has begun

Blessings everyone,

Well, today Rick leaves for Florida and I am here in CT for 10 more days. Our new adventure has begun!. I am choosing to take the high road and engage with Spirit to co-create with Rick a magical, fun, abundant life.

I began the day in a sad, remote place inside but moved into the magic while meditating with Rick before he left. We had such a fun time in meditation and got such beautiful connection with co-creating our journey. I found my connection with Spirit again and the resonant field of love. I also found this writing from Mike Dooley that lifted me into the magic kingdom.

"When it comes to living the life of one's dreams, there are those who think they must go it alone; that they must be the early bird, know all the right people, and succeed by the sweat of their brow - and they carry the weight of the world on their shoulders.
Then there are those who have read all the books, done all the workshops, and concluded that it's simply a matter of surrendering to a loving, conspiring Universe so that their life might be transformed by its magic - and they silently wonder why it hasn't.
The truth is, neither are we alone, nor is knowing about the Universe and its magic enough to manifest change. The first conclusion is as self-sabotaging as it is sad, and the second is a bit like knowing exactly where the secret treasure is buried, yet never bothering to dig for it.
Instead, the trick lies in knowing the difference between what one can, should and must do, versus what one can, should and must delegate to an all wise and capable Universe. Our part is the easy part.
We need only provide the spark to light the Universe's fire; to hoist up our sails so that they can be filled with its magical winds. Yet without offering these token efforts, without assisting in these modest ways, not only do we contradict our wish to live as fully as possible, but we slide ever further away from an infinite grace that tirelessly strives to sweep us off our feet, surround us with friends, and create the life we most want.
Leveraging the Universe and Engaging the Magic is about using the gifts of thought, word and deed to harness this grace. It's about doing the least to get the most. Learning what “the truth” is, and then living it, so that the kingdom, the power, and the glory can be revealed before your very eyes, as you discover your holy place in creation - as a creator, yourself.
Slayer of dragons, matador of time and space, rightful heir to heaven on earth, it’s time to be living the life of your dreams."

I am living presence of the kingdom, the power, and the glory on this holy earth. I am the slayer of dragons, matador of time and space, rightful heir to heaven on earth and I choose to live my dreams and beyond. Join me!!!

The journey is ours,

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