Thursday, July 05, 2007

Happy 4th Independence Day

Blessings everyone,

It is always so wonderful for me to celebrate our Independence Day!!! I love reminding myself of how blessed we are here in the USA. I know we aren't perfect, but I also know I love being an American and what we have co-created here. I love focusing on our freedoms. I love celebrating us and our country. Noticing what we love and would like to continue to experience is a very powerful way of continuing to create just that. Most everyone has seen the movie "The Secret" by now and understands how incredibly important it is to focus on what we love and choose to have in our lives. Feeling it, like I do on the 4th, and being grateful for having it (whether you already have it or not)is another key. 4th of July gives me all those steps in real life with lots of other people connected to the same vibrations.

Tuesday and Wednesday this week we were without electricity. When the temperatures are in the high 90's that is torture without air conditioning, no cooking, refrigerator and freezer thawing out. I learned a lot about appreciating electricity and appreciating the ingenuity and creativity of doing without and yet being with at the same time. Being with the ability to survice with grace during a crisis. I now have learned not to keep alot in our freezer, how to open the garage door without the automatic door opener, how to cook with charcoal grill, have different types of phones and go to Ruby Tuesday's because they will give you free salad bar when they have no electricity:). Here in hurricane country where we have huge, powerful thunderstorms every afternoon, these things are extremely important. Now we have our own tool kit, flash lights, charcoal grill w/charcoal, cell phone and landline phone, and gratitude and appreciation for myself and others as we live through life on a different level than the usual day to day.

The being with I am talking about in the above paragraph is being with the Divine and center of myself in the NOW. Everything is available in the NOW moment, nothing is missing. I even got into the thoughts that the Divine is really the electricity we have figured out how to use to serve ourselves. How can I access this electricity just by asking? Maybe there is a way to use electricity if I can access the truth of being connected completely to the ONE! I would never have had those thoughts and practiced allowing myself the concept and the beliefs. I am another step closer to living life from the wild side - my essence self :)

Our 4th was a fabulous celebration with about 3,000 people here at our sports stadium. The live band on stage was wonderful and so much fun! We all sat in the stadium seats and watched the best fireworks I have ever seen with live singing on the loud speakers from the stadium. It was awesome!! Earlier in the day there was rides and games, food from local restaurants, booths of arts and businesses and tourism in the area and the energy of wonderful people all around. I am so grateful for the experience and the joy inside.


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