Tuesday, August 07, 2007

back in Florida

Blessings everyone,

My trip to CT was very eventful. A huge amount of clearing, connection with my family, receiving my home with open arms, playing with my grandchildren and some shocking surprises. I took my grandson to see the movie Transformers thinking I wasn't going to like it. Surprise! I really loved it.

I really enjoyed Harry Potter with my womanfriend I do all the meditations for the planet with. She also did a clearing for my daughter which I was a part of. So much clearing I was physically not feeling well for about four days. But my granddaughter is evidencing being clear of life threatening allergies. During part of the process I was asking her if she was a munchkin and she said "NO" shaking her head. I ask her is she was a Katie (which is her name) and she shook her head while saying "No" again. I asked her if she was an angel and she looked up at me with brilliant blue eyes and said "YESSS" with a voluminous smile. I guess she knows who she is:)

I made a collage of what I want for my life from a poster of the Kamadon Temple Melchizedek level Three that I teach. I thought it would take me a week to do a post on creating my life until I found the poster on top of all my arts stuff in my office closet. When I saw the poster I was thrilled to recognize it as my choice for my life. It only took me an hour to make the collage. The Kamadon Temple is the etheric ascension temple for humanity. It has 33 levels and each of those has 33 levels and this goes on into infinity. It is surrounded by water and dolphins. So now my life is being created from this amazing temple of love and ascension.

Now I am so extremely happy to be back in Florida. I love it here with my husband. My life is lots of fun. I am making amazing new friends that are great fun. I met this wonderful artist at a mango festival. We bought one of her flamingo pictures and when we picked it up we connected so powerfully that she invited me to speak at her women's spirituality group. I will be speaking on the marriage of ego and essence and using meditation to raise the planetary vibrations.

Ever since I stepped off the plane back here in Florida my health has been improving again. Life for me here is gentler, freer, more fun, lighter and blissful. Rick and I are re-creating our relationship in the energy of fun. When we got back to the house beautiful flowers greeted me with flowing energies of hugs and kisses and celebration from him. They are still brilliantly beautiful.

Today Ahlam and I celebrated her birthday on the phone and she called me into activating on a more focused intention a special Florida Key. In the past few weeks we activated all of the Florida Keys for the ascension process and today got direction from Spirit to activate Islamorada "purple Island" specifically for the clearing of all the homes on the planet - clearing for safety and things in the night that hide and circumstances, people and things that shit on our homes in the dark and then slink off into the night hiding. Islamorada is the Florida ascension key for home bliss, safety, freedom, love and a clean slate physically, spiritually and mentally.

I am always available for speaking, coaching, teleclasses, soul songs, facilitating Melchizedek Method, guiding Gateway coarses, and meditations personal and for the planet. 305-230-6338. energecstasy@snet.net

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