Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Talk about expansion!!

Hi, everyone,

Wow!! My life is so full of magnificent expansion that I love even watching myself in it. I just finished Barbara Marx Hubbard's course, "7 Codes of Self Evolution". It was magnificent itself, as is Barbara. She is definitely a gift to our planet.

I always think I am going to post to this blogspot every day and then life carries me away. It is carrying me away to great places of expansion and self evolution. This last few weeks I have been definitely challenged in my relationship with Rick, my husband of 41 years. I was telling myself the story that we were headed for separation. Who knows, someday we might be. I am learning to let go of expectations and let Spirit work the magic of co-creation. I'm guessing that is an excellent choice for everyone on this planet to move through all of our infinite number of quagmires.

Last week I decided to follow my essential self advice and walk backwards into my time space continuum - back to the white light and connection to the Divine Source. Then I wrapped the white light of Source around me and walked back into daily life space. Now I was being fed energetically by Source. Suddenly I didn't need any energy from anyone, only connection with the Divine. What a freedom! I also let go of having expectations! I say what I choose for my life and how I choose to feel and let go. Another great freedom!! Now I haven't tied Spirit's hands and the magic begins!

I have learned that all relationships are energy playgrounds. We are each looking for energy (answers) from each other instead of looking within. We play all kinds of games to get this energy. Some are called poor me (that is mine), some interrogator (I can use this one too), talk in circles so the other gives up, and many more.....

Suddenly Rick brought me not one, but two bouquets of flowers, went to two of my qigong classes as an observer, invited me to come back to Rochester with him when I had planned to stay in CT this week, got a book on CD by Andrew Weil on 8 days to wellness (we listened to this on our ride back to Rochester), asked to go for walks with me after work for exercise and hasn't played any energy games all week. Rick has only gone to one other of my qigong classes in two years. He has been doing nothing for his health lately. As far as I know he has never read a book on wellness. He has rarely brought me flowers. For the last few weeks he has been playing lots of energy games with me and I getting hooked into them and playing them right back. All of this happening without a word from me. What beauty!! I am full of overflowing love for myself and Rick with no strings attached. I am on my road to being an evolutionary woman.

Today someone called me and asked me to be a presenter at a woman's health fair. I was thinking all morning I didn't really know what direction to go in for my business lately. I asked my essential to guide me today. Suddenly I am connected to a fabulous venue for me to work with transformation and evolutionary women consciousness. All morning I have been discovering ways to follow this path in my business.

First thing this morning I didn't know any steps to take. I only knew how I choose to feel every day in my business and my life. I choose an aliveness that is amazing, like nothing I have every felt begore June of this year. I choose lots of fun, miracles abounding, joy unlimited and full of mischievousness. What do you choose for your life? What is your life purpose? Are you ready for expansion? How do you choose for your primary to feel?

I decided to put together a "Couple Sparklings" retreat for fun, expansion, ecstasy and ????? What has Spirit got in store for all those who attend? I think it will be April somewhere around Waterford, CT. Let me know if you are interested.

Warmly in Spirit,

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