Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Nov. 15th journal

Hi, everyone,
Today it is raining and dreary and what a miracle! We live under many wonderful trees that are dropping their magnificent abundance of leaves in thick piles everywhere. I intend for this abundance of leaves to become an abundance of money flowing in our life. My husband, Rick, is reducing them to big bags of crushed leaves for the dump. So I am calling their energy to stay here and support us in creating the wonderful freedom and fun that comes with the abundance of lots of flowing money. Thank you leaves, I am so grateful!!!

I am in the process of creating a community coaching group called "Path of Spirit: Living the Spiritual Adventure." The community will offer bi-monthly large group coaching in a teleconference, an email group for connection, and small mastermind groups and a support buddy.. The people in the community will help shape and define the program. If you are interested in joining please email me at energecstasy@snet.net or call 1-860-443-0657. The first month is free and then it is $29/mo. This is an ongoing community experience.

I am also in the process of forming a weekly book club coaching teleclass. The book will be one of Neale Donald Walsh's books. We will meet once a week for 1&1/2 hrs. with discussion sharing of our experience of the book, thus a deeper experience happens, coaching, buddy support, centering meditation and a soul spa meditation at the end. Cost is $125 for 8wks, which is a great deal for such powerful support on living your spiritual journey. If you are interested in this offering please email me at energecstasy@snet.net or call 1-860-443-0657. Book club begins on January 11, 2006 at 12:00EST and/or January 10th 7:00PMEST.

I am really excited offering these programs and having fun putting them together.


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