Thursday, April 05, 2007

Adventure Questing

Blessings everyone,

Well, my husband unexpectedly got his consulting contract terminated and is now jobless. Totally unexpected and yet not unexpected. We have been meditating for him to get a job closer to home and that we intended to have this job BEFORE he left his present job. So now we are on a new adventure quest to co-create the next step in our job journey. I know that Spirit is afoot with magic and I can't wait to see what will show up. We have one job that would be absolutely perfect that Rick has applied for and we are waiting to hear from the company. My poor me and fear person are being held in a loving, caring place of safety as they run their feelings. I am choosing love, prosperity, joy, abundance flowing, fun, trust and putting my essence self in charge. Thus, we are on an adventure quest.

I am also challenged in one of my relationships with a dear friend this week. So I am on an adventure quest in the relationship arena also. What can I co-create within the parameters of love, joy, ease, grace, fun, honor and lightness?

Meet you on the new earth,

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