Wednesday, February 07, 2007


Hi, everyone,

Lately I have learned a great deal about marriage/partnering/co-creative relationships. Since I am a 41 year married person I will call this journey marriage, but it applies to all relationships. How deep do you desire to go? How evolutionary and conscious do choose to become in your relationship? How intimate are you willing to "be"?

Recently I invited Rick's essence, my husband, to enter the Garden of co-creation and the Temple of love with me in my morning meditation. As we entered the Temple of Love The Temple lit up brilliantly and fireworks went off. I heard a voice say, "We have been waiting for you on this level of relationship". I was in ecstasy getting to experience such a phenomenal spiritual connection with my partner instead of telling him about it. Suddenly I realized that in my spiritual life I have never married Rick. My pattern of, "I am alone and have to do it myself because he doesn't choose to" kept me separate and unmarried. In that moment I chose to marry Rick on all levels and include his essence in all my spiritual journeys. WOW!!! What a difference in our relationship!! I also use "ho'oponopono" with all the parts of Rick he mirrors to me of myself that need to be healed. Again I say "WOW"!! I am healing myself in depths and areas I never could access before and Rick is creating a whole new journey all on his own into himself and his Spirit, mind and body. My dreams are manifesting like popcorn all around me.

Come join our Couple Sparklings Workshop with the courage to REALLY be a co-creative couple and find an amazing journey waiting to lay itself out at your feet.

Blessings to all,

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