Friday, February 23, 2007

Musings with the flu

Blessings everyone,

Well I guess I have succumbed to the flu. So I have an appointment with the acupuncturist this afternoon. I'm taking lots of "stuff" and just hanging out. I'm intending my body release its toxins quickly and choosing the totally whole essence part of me to step in here.

Yesterday I got visited by "small me" presenting me with the deities of self sabotage, ego mania and negative vision in all areas of my life. Wow! Was I looking down on myself. I felt like laying down and letting them roll over me which is pretty much what I did. Maybe the flu is the result of the roll over and the toxins pouring out. :) I am sitting with my dieties and loving them and healing the rift between ego and essence. My support team reminded me to keep my eyes on the journey, not on the results. How am I feeling on my journey? How are my deities serving my journey? What is good about all of this encounter?

ONe of things that is good is that I now see more about how I am leeking my energy. I am calling back my energy from all the patterns and stories these deities trick me with to keep me small. I know I am the Divine Presence on the planet and I bless them into their divinity.


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